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Blogger Idol 2013

Auditions for this year’s Blogger Idol  awards have started, and I have submitted an application!  Though I have been featured on a few sites; GourmandizeBlogher Food, and received the Versatile Blogger Award from WordPress, this is the first contest I am entering as a blogger.  If you’re reading this, I hope you’re a “liker” of mine will support me by following the event on Twitter and Facebook.

I am both excited to be involved and a bit nervous about the feedback/criticism/raves I am going to receive.  Doing something like this is a leap of faith in myself; even more so than starting the blog initially.  Though there are all kinds of prizes, I am much more interested in the opportunity to get greater exposure, valuable feedback, to challenge myself and to gain recognition.

I started this blog after a middle of the night ‘divine download’ came to me.  I woke at 2:30 a.m. one morning to a clear picture of what I should be doing, and it all started with writing a blog about food, and my rocky relationship with it.  As it has evolved I have enjoyed exploring my own history in food, new recipes, new ideas, reading even more about food than I had before (which is saying something!) and getting to know fellow bloggers in my new community.

I haven’t been at this long, and I can already see how my voice, my point of view and my message have expanded and developed.  I am learning as I go, and finding teachers in unexpected places.  It’s been really great for me so far, so I will ask that ubiquitous question; how was it for you?

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