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Saturday Morning and Avocados

Avocado Varieties from Food Republic.comI rarely wait until the day of to write a post, and here I am Saturday morning, trying on possible ideas that might interest you or me. I though about writing about my disdain for all things grape flavored—none of them taste anything like grape. Or perhaps a post about the practice of writing daily, and my fear that this is turning my blog into a boring diary. I could write about a yummy Saturday morning breakfast I am making, or made, but today I’ll be having a ciabatta roll (store bought) with some smashed avocado, and I hope you don’t need a recipe for that.

When I was a kid, Saturday morning meant watching cartoons in your pajamas, with no supervision. (We had much less supervision in those days in general.) Saturday is a day to sleep in but sleeping in is something I’ve never been particularly good at. As a teenager when friends would sleep until noon, I was up around 7:00, and in college I found that no matter how late I stayed up, I’d be awake bright and early. It is a burden and a gift. I think if you sleep too late you’re wasting the day, but that may be because after 10:00 pm I’m generally starting to yawn.

I hope you’re still with me, because what I want to talk about is avocado breakfast. On Wednesday I bought three avocados on sale. They were labeled as ripe, but that was not the case. I planned on using one that night to go with the black bean burgers I was making (teaser for Monday) so when I got home I looked for a quick method to ripen avocados, and I found a way to do it in ten minutes, you wrap the avocado on foil and put it in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes, and it works pretty well.

smashed avo


That was great, but I still had two avocados that were hard as rocks. I thought I’d try a variation on the foil method; in the morning I wrapped one avocado in foil (the same foil I’d used on the avocado I baked) and just let it sit on the counter, and by dinnertime it was perfect. Last night I wrapped the third avocado and this morning another perfect avocado, which was perfect smashed on my toasted roll.

A few weeks ago I met a friend for breakfast at one of my  favorite breakfast spots, and they had a special of smashed avocado on toast for $14, which seemed outrageous. I can only assume that people are paying $14 for an avocado smashed on toast, and I get that restaurants charge a premium for food, I had a diner, but if you want an avocado smashed on toast stay home and make your own ripe avocados. Go to a restaurant for something that’s a pain to make at home, or something you can’t make as well, but why go out and pay someone to smash an avocado on toast when you can spend Saturday morning in your jammies?

avocado scored



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