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Tag Archives: recipes

Despite my best efforts I have no recipe for you today. I had a great idea for a wonderful new soup, sure to impress and delight you, and despite my best efforts, it was a bit of a bust.  I used to go to a restaurant in Rhinebeck, New York called La Parmigiana which is […]

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So often someone comes to my house for dinner, or I go to theirs, and one of us asks, ‘can I have that recipe?’.  Sometimes the recipe is from a cookbook, or website, and then it’s easy, they look it up and either have success or not, but when you give someone a recipe you […]

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People cook for all sorts of reasons, for some it is a drudgery that must be endured, for me it is always from the heart.  I cook, not just because it is a way to express my love for others— though that is certainly one reason, but also because I love the alchemy of cooking. […]

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Saffron is one of my favorite spices, it is also the most expensive spice in the world, so I use it sparingly.  You can find recipes using it from across the globe, and amazingly enough despite their reputation for being plain and thrifty, the Pennsylvania Dutch love saffron and use it in both sweet and […]

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