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Another Holiday Surprise

Another holiday has come along to surprise me! I know many people, way more attentive and organized than I who are always ready for whatever holiday is upon us. Yes, I am generally prepared for things like July fourth, and Thanksgiving, but holidays like Cinco de Mayo always catch me off guard. May fifth is not a big holiday in Mexico, and though many people believe it is Independence Day in Mexico, that is September 16th. On May 5th in 1862 the Battle of Puebla,was a significant victory won by the Mexicans over the French who occupied it when Mexico postponed paying their debt to France following the Mexican-American War. Though the holiday is generally celebrated with a parade in Puebla, the city where the battle, and victory took place, it is not a day of celebration in Mexico. All of which is a way of me rationalizing that I have not prepared a Cinco de Mayo post, though I’m hoping if you have a celebration, it’s wonderful!


But while we’re talking about Mexico, let’s talk about avocados.

Avocado Varieties from Food

For many years I believed I made the best guacamole, as a result of my fantastic culinary talent and skill, but I have since realized that it was more a result of my choice of avocado. There are many types of avocados, but for me, the Haas avocado is without peer! It has the smoothest, most buttery flavor and is never watery. The skin is quite dark and pebbly, and it is ripe when it yields to gentle pressure from your thumb. If Haas avocados go on sale at your grocery store, stock up! They freeze well. I discovered this a few years ago while shopping at Trader Joe’s, and saw a bag of frozen avocado halves. I figured if Trader Joe could freeze avocados, so could I!

It’s important that you have realistic expectations of those frozen avocados. Neither yours, nor commercially frozen avocados will ever be suitable for slicing. They will be perfect for guacamole, or avocado dressing. To freeze avocados, cut in half lengthwise, and scoop the fruit out. Lay all your avocado halves on a pan lined with parchment, or plastic wrap, and put into the freezer. Once the avocado is frozen move them into reclosable plastic bags, getting as much air out as possible. This freezing technique works for all kinds of soft fruit, like strawberries (hull, and lay on pan to freeze, then bag when fruit is frozen).

The best Mexican restaurant I ever went to is Rosa Mexicano in Manhattan (there are now locations all over the U.S.) and they make their excellent guacamole table-side. Watching this procedure for the first time I learned a new way to cut avocados, and have used it ever since.  They make theirs chunky which is how I like mine. Some people add cumin (which I am vehemently opposed to) some add jalapeno some like Tabasco, and then there are the pro vs con cilantro folks.


We all like what we like, and I wouldn’t want to tell anyone how to make theirs, but I still maintain mine is one of the best! As I said Haas avocados are important, I like sweet onion (like Vidalia or Walla Walla) rather than red onion, and I feel strongly that it needs to be consumed within minutes of making it. If I am serving it for company I will do all my prep except cutting the avocado, and not do that until just before, or once my guests have arrived. If you need to make a large amount and have to make it in advance leave some of the pits on top and cover with plastic wrap laid directly on the surface to keep it from oxidizing and turning brown, and store it in the refrigerator.

Many restaurants bring in either pre-made guacamole, or pre-mashed avocado, and if this is what your accustomed to, or you buy prepared guacamole, you are in for a real treat if you make your own! I am not exaggerating when I say this. The difference is so vast it will change everything you think about guacamole. If you have a restaurant where you think theirs is great, ask them if they make it fresh, if they do, it’s probably really good! If you’re ready to make your own, here is my very simple, and guaranteed great guacamole! And please forgive me for almost forgetting yet another holiday. (It’s sure to happen again.)

What do you like in your guacamole? Please let me know if you’ve got a great variation!



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  • May 5, 2014 - 10:15 am

    Bianca @ Rant Rave Crave - Hello from Bloppies. Cinco de Mayo always throws me off guard too. I was amused when I first heard it’s more of a big deal here than in Mexico. Thanks for sharing the freezing tips. Had no idea. I’ve never made my own guacamole. I’ll try!ReplyCancel

    • May 5, 2014 - 2:02 pm - Bianca, If you’ve never made your own guacamole, once you do you’ll probably never buy it again! Please let me know what you think.ReplyCancel

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