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It’s November…


It’s November, and once again I’m participating in another Yeah Write writing challenge. If you’ve been a long-time reader (at least a year) you know that last November I participated in a writing challenge that involved writing a post every single day during the month of November (yes, all the days, even Thanksgiving). There were some great posts, so please check them out in the archives. All your Thanksgiving questions answered!!

The challenge I’m taking on this year is a little different, and requires only a weekly post, but it will be a bit of a departure from my usual writing. There won’t be any recipes (except for disasters) or helpful culinary tips. I have only written the first one, so some of this is still as much a mystery to me as to you…

I will be publishing these posts on Tuesdays all month. They are personal essays, and though all of them will be be food-related, they will be personal. One of the guidelines/suggestions was to write as if no one would be reading, in other words (or my interpretation) be bold, be brave, be vulnerable. If this type of disclosure writing isn’t your cup of tea, please just skip these Tuesday posts, and enjoy the Monday and Thursday typical wry, clever posts of my recipes and observations about food.

I say all this to warn you,in case you’d like to skip this particular journey. If you are someone who mutters “TMI” when someone says they need to pee, you probably won’t enjoy these essays. 

Naturally I hope nothing I write will offend you, or cause you to quit me. I am a flawed human, trying to make my way in this world, just like everyone I know. And just like you, I have been handed a mixed bag of gifts and hindrances with which I try to live a good and meaningful life. I want the same things most people want, peace, love, understanding, and really great food.

good food





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