Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
It’s time for the annual winter cold. I get sick once every winter. Not the flu, but somewhere between that and a cold. You will get sick enough to take to your bed for a day or two. When it happens you need to lean in. You need to succumb, stay home and take care […]
Disclaimer: this is not a political post Although for some people Inauguration Day was a fine one, for me it was stressful. If you know me at all you’re aware that I deal with stress by cooking, yes, eating too, but cooking is what soothes me far better than eating. When I cook or bake […]
Looking for a meatless Monday recipe? Well today I’ve got a two for one deal. I’m often surprised by which of my posts on Instagram, FB, or Twitter get the most requests for recipes please. I don’t mean the most likes, but specifically asking for a recipe. Two such items from the last weeks are […]
Winter risotto is just what you need on a cold winter night. This one takes a few steps, but there’s no reason you couldn’t do all the prep over the weekend and toss it together on Wednesday night. I had a nice big butternut squash a friend gave me, and it was just […]
It’s 4:00 a.m. and I wake suddenly in the middle of one of those imaginary conversations. Those unsaid words keep me up at night. My bedtime rituals, PZIZZ and the occasional Advil PM allow me to fall asleep, but anytime between 1:30 and 4:30 a.m I often start wake, my head filling with words. In […]