Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
Who doesn’t love pumpkin season? It’s here again, and it’s delicious. Though I’m not a fan of Starbuck’s PSL I do love pumpkin. And scones; I love scones. Each time I make them, I experiment and improve the recipes. I wasn’t sure how adding pumpkin would change the texture. One question I had wa would the batter […]
Less than one week to go, and you may have already started your Thanksgiving countdown. Any minute now Christmas decorations will go up, holiday music will ring through every available sound system, and we’ll all switch into some level of panic and anxiety as the trifecta of holidays approaches. And even if you’re Jewish, […]
One week to go, and you may have already started your Thanksgiving countdown. Any minute now Christmas decorations will go up, holiday music will ring through every available sound system, and we’ll all switch into some level of panic and anxiety as the trifecta of holidays approaches. And even if you’re Jewish, and don’t celebrate […]
Before you buy another spiral sliced holiday ham, ask yourself when was the last time you had a good one, if ever. The spiral sliced ham is ubiquitous. It is a terrible fraud that has been perpetrated on us by advertising and the pork industry. If ham is part of your holiday meal you owe it […]
Most everyone will serve mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving this year, but not all. All of us—Americans have an idea of what belongs on the table, but that idea is as varied as we are. America is a country made up of (mostly) immigrants, and even at Thanksgiving, diversity is what’s on the menu. I love Kevin Hart, […]