Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
You know those people who when you ask them how they are say ‘can’t complain’? Don’t you admire them? Isn’t it awesome how they keep all their petty woes and first world problems to themselves? I think so. I am not one of those people. If you ask me how I am, you should prepare […]
A while ago I wrote about my blue notebook and my inability to find it, and this weekend I found it. I found it between two larger books and had been pushed far enough back in the bookshelf that I couldn’t see it in my several spine searches. As with most things we’re searching for, I found […]
Can you get all of summer in a bowl? Summer is salad season, and this deluxe version was just what I needed on this swelteringly hot weekend. I had to go out to run errands both Sunday and Saturday and both days fled home to my cool house. I am dreading my electric bill, but […]
My absence lasted a week and I returned on a Monday morning in April. Written in chalk on the board in the front of the classroom, was a sentence— Jack looked for his book. I tried sounding out the word looked. It was a word I hadn’t seen before. I asked a friend who said […]
When I was in college one of my favorite breakfast splurges was to go to the diner on Sixth and W. 3rd St. for scrambled eggs and corned beef hash. Breakfast is still my favorite meal to eat at a restaurant, even after years of slinging hash in my own diner for years. In fact […]