Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
When I was a kid there was an auto shop that ran an ad each spring “Spring has sprung the grass has ris, I wonder how my spark plugs is?” I have no idea what company it was, and a Google search was fruitless, nevertheless, the jingle has stuck with me. When people ask […]
When I was a teenager my mother found a recipe for a Turkish dish call Imam Bayildi, which translates to the sultan swooned (or fainted). There are a few versions of the legend of the name from the Imam fainted with pleasure at the taste of this dish, another claims that the sultan was married to a […]
I have been doing a lot of no cooking lately, and that’s a big challenge when you write a food blog. It all began a few months ago when my appetite deserted me, and that’s become my new normal. I have ideas about things to cook; I’ve been planning a post about making a deconstructed stuffed […]
I’m not sure how I was exposed, or when I contracted it, but I seem to have a serious case of scone fever. Every Saturday I wake up and feel compelled to make scones, and so I have. Good for me, because I’m starting to have a nice stash of scones in my freezer in case […]
My friend Cathy just returned from Egypt, and brought me some Egyptian curry powder so that meant curry dinner. I’m not sure what makes Egyptian curry different from other curries, though I do know that curry is not a spice, but an amalgam of spices mixed together, and really refers to the dish itself; meat (or not) and […]