Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
This has been an unseasonably warm weekend in Philadelphia; Saturday was in the high 60s, and Sunday reached 70° making it difficult to think about things like Christmas shopping and roasting vegetables. I’m quite sure it will get cold again, though the long-range forecast shows temperatures in the 40s and 50s through Christmas, and when temperatures […]
The gift of a chef’s coat is wonderful for many people. Last week we were cleaning out the offices at work, and having gone through a name change, the old chef’s coats are now obsolete, so I asked if I could take one for my daughter. When I gave it to her (before I even washed […]
Quiche is the kind of satisfying and easy meal you can throw together in practically no time. Making the crust takes the most time, but you can use a pre-made one (if you must) or keep a stack of your own in the freezer. A frozen crust will thaw in the time it takes you to […]
Happy Hanukkah! Whether you’re celebrating or not, you’re going to love these latkes! There are as many opinions about what makes a good latke as there are about matzoh balls, but I have never met anyone who didn’t love them! Even if you won’t be celebrating, if you have never tried one, it’s time. They […]
Here is the row of pitchers on my windowsill. There are five of them, plus a sixth pot. I made the five pitchers and the small lidded jar was made by Jim Makins. I can see them when I sit at the kitchen counter, where I write. They remind me of something I did once, but no […]