Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and for the past four years I wake on the Monday before Thanksgiving thinking of you—all my Whole Foods Market friends who are working this week. Thanksgiving week is the hardest week of the year in food retail. Everyone celebrates Thanksgiving, which means everyone is shopping, and almost everyone will […]
Always on the lookout for vegetarian friendly recipes I was intrigued by a recent recipe from Cooks Illustrated for black bean burgers. I have made veggie burgers before, but these looked good, and easy. If you’re familiar with Cooks Illustrated they spend lots of time perfecting recipes so I don’t usually fool with them much, […]
I saw this about twenty times on Face Book this week, and each time I laughed although I strenuously disagree, there is no such thing as the typical American Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving looks different throughout the USA. Though we’re almost all having turkey, that could be where the similarities end. I have spent years searching for […]
I rarely wait until the day of to write a post, and here I am Saturday morning, trying on possible ideas that might interest you or me. I though about writing about my disdain for all things grape flavored—none of them taste anything like grape. Or perhaps a post about the practice of writing daily, […]
You might think that with all the time on my hands I am currently experiencing that my house would be spotless, and my life in order. If that’s what it would be like at your house, I admire you, but that does not describe the current situation chez moi. Last weekend my daughter and I […]