Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
I didn’t grow up eating mashed potatoes, and when I tell people that my family has never had mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving they are always shocked. I think ours may be the only family in the USA that will not be eating mashed potatoes two weeks from today. I wouldn’t say we never ate them, but it wasn’t […]
November 2nd is apparently Deviled Egg Day, and though that’s mighty exciting, and I like deviled eggs as much as anyone, I don’t know that I’d give them a whole day. When my daughter was in pre-school (and there were more pot-lucks than anyone should have to endure) I was the deviled egg mom. I […]
Left to my own devices, especially when I am feeling busy (don’t you detest that word?) I could conceivably eat chicken for dinner every night. Fortunately for me my daughter doesn’t eat chicken, beef or pork, so whether I feel like it or not, I must come up with something besides chicken for dinner. We often default to pasta, […]
When I was in college my friend John told me he disliked all white food “Including cauliflower?” I asked dumbfounded, who doesn’t like cauliflower? As a kid my family ate cauliflower two ways, raw with Durkee’s Famous Sauce and steamed whole and covered with cheddar cheese. I wasn’t then, nor am I now a fan of […]
The first Labor Day in the USA was in September of 1894, and though it was a day to honor the laborers who actually built the nation (rather than those who financed it) it was a hard won fight. I did not spend my Labor Day chilling and grilling, I spent it as I did […]