Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
Basic Meatloaf Preheat oven to 325f 2 LB.s of ground meat- a mix of three is good, veal, pork* and beef 2 Slices of bread 1/2 Large Onion 2 small carrots 1/2 Cup Milk 1 Egg 1 TBL Salt 1 TBL Smoked Paprika 2 Tsp garlic powder fresh ground pepper to taste Ketchup for top […]
Very adapted from my Mom’s 1965 copy of Farm Journal’s Complete Pie Cookbook published by Doubleday (if you can find a copy get it!) One Pie Crust Filling: 4 Cups Wild Blueberries (frozen are fine, I use Wylman’s) 1 Cup Sugar 3 TBL Instant Tapioca* Grated Peel from 1 Lemon 2 TBL Lemon Juice pinch […]
Easy as Pie » Chefs Last Diet-[…] there are three and only three pies we have on Thanksgiving; apple, pumpkin and pecan. If you like blueberry pie or peach try these. Pecan is my hands down favorite pie, and I haven’t found a better one […]ReplyCancel
Makes Six 4″ Pancakes Adapted from Smitten Kitchen 1 Large or 2 medium zucchini (about 2 lbs) 2 Tsp Kosher Salt, plus additional 1 Tsp 3 Scallions cut thin on diagonal 2 Large Eggs 1/2 Cup Flour 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder Neutral oil for frying- Canola, or Safflower Preheat oven to 250°f Line a baking sheet […]
Rhonda @wine-y wife-Love the new look! I mean, I know I get behind on reading, then I catch up all at once, but wholly smokes, how long has this been up? It looks great! I feel bad for not being on here to tell you it was lovely on the first day of your roll out!
Oh, yeah, and zucchini pancakes? Love them! I’m a huge zucchini fan. I should try these out for my kids though. They might develop a little more appreciation for zucchini if I did.ReplyCancel
September 25, 2013 - 3:00 pm -Rhonda,
Thanks so much, the roll-out was quiet as it has involved changes as we go… Moving the thing has meant a lot of work, and that’s why all these recipes are suddenly re-appearing.
Glad you’re enjoying them. I love carbonara too, but my daughter has given up meat, so I don’t get to eat it often.ReplyCancel
September 28, 2013 - 10:42 pm
Cass-I love zucchini. My family complains that I put it in everything. These look great. This looks like being my next zucchini dish.ReplyCancel
Truly Wonderful Deviled Eggs If you’re making deviled eggs, you want them to be cooked perfectly, and that’s really simple. A green ring around the yolk is unisghtly, and indicates that they are overcooked (and will be rubbery). Keep in mind that disdainful expression, ‘he/she can’t even boil an egg’. […]
Rhonda @wine-y wife-Ha Ha! The secret is out about baking soda in the eggs and I’m so glad you’re sharing it too!
It’s almost deviled egg season around here. November through Easter seems like the only time we have them. I’ve never whizzed it in the food processor before though. I’ll have to try that out.ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 6:01 am
Runny Eggs » Chefs Last Diet-[…] or if I am in the mood (and this is very important) hard boiled and made into either egg salad, or deviled eggs. When did runny eggs take over the culinary […]ReplyCancel
January 29, 2015 - 5:56 am
Big Game Cooking » Chefs Last Diet-[…] Shrimp toast, Empanadas, Samosas, Guacamole, Chinese beef curry turnovers, Mushroom turnovers, Stuffed mushrooms, deviled eggs […]ReplyCancel
November 2, 2015 - 6:10 am
November 2nd is Deviled Egg Day » Chefs Last Diet-[…] there were more pot-lucks than anyone should have to endure) I was the deviled egg mom. I make an excellent deviled egg! And if I’d planned better I’d have worked on some great recipes for you, but […]ReplyCancel
Based on many recipes, mostly an adaptation of the Beet Soup in the Settlement Cookbook published in 1931. 1 Lb Beets, peeled and shredded 3 Small Carrots (about 1/2 lb) peeled and shredded 1/2 Sweet Onion diced very fine Juice of 1 Lemon 1 TBL Sugar 1 TBL Salt 1/2 Tsp Clarified butter 6 Cups […] - My husband does not like leftovers, but managed to eat the leftover meatloaf for lunch and dinner the next day!