I can hardly believe that in less than two weeks we will gather around the Thanksgiving table. I have been distracted lately as have most people, and it’s time to move forward on both a macro and micro level. For today I’m choosing micro. I’m going to think about Thanksgiving, and making it great again. […]
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me - I think you’re spot-on saying fear and ignorance were major players here. Definitely. And frustration with the status quo. If people are frustrated enough, they will grasp at anything they think will help their situation.
And I do think Trump’s supporters are not all terrible racist people. Are some? Probably. But many – and I know a few personally – are just basically good people who believe wholeheartedly that they are acting in the best interest of themselves and their families. Tired of the current way of life, they seem willing to overlook the major flaws in this man’s character and approach if it means they’ll get anything but what they have now. Does that make sense?
And do I think that people who are willing to overlook his character have a whole other problem? Yes, I do.
But, like you said, all any of us can do at any moment is the best we can and it is only when we are alone and honest with ourselves can we say whether or not we are truly doing our best.
Great post, Nancy.