Traditional Thanksgiving is an odd term, as pretty much the only things all Thanksgiving meals include are turkey and gravy. What is traditional at your house probably isn’t at your neighbor’s house. Most of us grew up eating the same things, or some variation on them year after year. Is there a typical American Thanksgiving? […]
CINDY REED - I love the way your story meanders, yet comes full circle. I could use a True Happiness Hour myself right now 🙂
Melony Boseley - I am super curious about this True Happiness Hour and wish I too could participate. I am a naturally happy person too, but have often felt that Lego in my chest. What an interesting way to put it! Glad yours has lifted. Xox
Danielle Dayney - True happiness hour? I’m interested to hear what this happy hour is all about. Hopefully you’ll update us after. I’m naturally a worrier, so happiness comes between moments of anxiety for me.
Ellen - I have stepped on legos before, so having one lodged in your chest! Ouch! What a perfect metaphor for that heavy, crushing feeling. I always thought I was a happy person until the life proved otherwise. Now, I really try to take notice of those fleeting happy times and keep them with in the present, knowing their existence is guaranteed for no one.
Please report back on your True Happiness experience!
Kay Roof - Those darn Legos! Perfect description. I too will be interested in the updates on the True Happy Hour. Nice piece, thanks for sharing the personal struggles of a naturally happy person. I too am naturally happy but when I’m not my friends and family go crazy. lol It can be a lot of pressure.
John - What a beautifully written post!
Procrastination is Fear » Chefs Last Diet - […] was my first True Happiness class. I’m realistic enough to understand that one class isn’t enough to get me to […]