Like I was four years ago, I am caught up in this year’s election cycle, but this year I have no way out. In 2012 the contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney had me frothing at the mouth, gnashing my teeth and driving myself a bit insane. As I inched closer to going around […]
Kay Roof - We have had bad candidate choices before as you point out, but man, oh, man they pale compared to these two. I’d like to hear more about your trip. Sounds amazing!
Paul Brads - It’s a mess unlike this post, which is good. I have to say, I think they will fall silent, it takes too much energy to continue.
Danielle Dayney - Maybe we ALL need a trip to someplace fun this time around?
Melony Boseley - Your trip sounds amazing! Unlike the political race right now. I have mentioned a few times now that if Trump gets in I’m not coming back to Texas for another 4 years. Haha
Peggy Gilbey McMackin - Ah Nancy, seems a relaxing place was a good place to get away from it all. I’ve my own little theory which goes that sometimes in life we need extremes in order to move the barometer to the middle ground of needed changes. This from everything to save the whales to improving the food system. Good things can always happen.
Hema - A Trump presidency is extremely scary! Justin Trudeau looks divine in comparison 🙂
Ellen - I love the descriptions of your trip to Indonesia, and can feel your anxiety melting in the shimmering heat. I’m going to be doing my part to turn Georgia purple this year because frankly, Canada is just too cold for this southern girl. 😉
Cyn K - I always think I should take up meditation but it seems like it would be easier in a place across the world, disconnected from real life. I guess we have to learn to make an oasis at home otherwise we could go nuts.
Meg - I’m a 538 junkie too — less this year than in previous elections, probably because Hillary is so far ahead right now. This election defies every bound of normalcy. I love the details of visiting medicine men and fortune tellers — as if you needed miracles to happen.