Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
I used to swim, but it’s been almost seven months since I visited the pool, and I’m struggling getting back in the water. When I get in bed Sunday nights, I review my schedule for the coming week, and I figure out what mornings I’ll have time to swim before I go to work, and commit […]
Cyn K-Fellow procrastinator here. The community we moved into back in 2013 has a pool that is free for residents. My son LOVES water. You would have thought I would have taken him that first summer as soon as the water was warm enough. Nope. I got hung up on the fact that I didn’t have a swimsuit and that it might be hard to teach him to swim. The next summer, I hemmed and hawed again until his playing in (toilet) water forced my hand. I’m kicking myself for all the swimming opportunities wasted.
I hope you find the courage and motivation to go swimming one more time. Maybe after that first time, you’ll convince yourself to go once more. And then again.ReplyCancel
May 4, 2016 - 4:43 pm -Cyn, I hope you’re right!ReplyCancel
May 4, 2016 - 2:39 pm
Cathy Goodwin -Try my gym – 12th Street Gym. We have women of all shapes and sizes, from gorgeous body builders to 300 lbs. and up. Tell them I referred you! And we have a pool with classes in water aerobics. (Not for me. I’ve hated the water my whole life. I’m part cat.)ReplyCancel
May 29, 2016 - 3:50 pm -Hi Cathy, I have a gym (near me) that I still belong to but my membership is still frozen, and waiting for me:)ReplyCancel
May 4, 2016 - 7:24 pm
Lisa Shaw -I identify with this SO much. Way, way, way too much. Thank you for writing it! I’m going to go *think* about working out now. Maybe I’ll even do some?ReplyCancel
May 4, 2016 - 11:38 pm
Vanessa D.-From now on I am a unique woman who requires a special buyer, because it is one of the most apt descriptions I’ve ever heard used to describe the situation I find myself in these days.ReplyCancel
Melony-I can’t swim. I tried to learn and was getting more comfortable in the water when I suddenly just stopped. Then I gained 40lb and refused to see myself in a bathing suit. It’s not a pretty sight. I imagine as well that if I ever lost my husband, I’d be just as fearful of the dating pool as the gym pool. Great analogy and I hope some day soon you’ll overcome it all!ReplyCancel
May 5, 2016 - 6:46 am -Me too! Thanks for the comment Melony.ReplyCancel
May 5, 2016 - 5:50 pm
Courtenay Baker -Inertia. I am there now, too, especially with exercise.ReplyCancel
Cinco de Mayo is Thursday but you probably already knew that. It’s odd that I remember this, as don’t I generally realize a holiday (other than Thanksgiving) is coming until it’s tomorrow, or even yesterday. I did write a Cinco de Mayo post two years ago about avocados and guacamole where you can find my super-simple and always delicious recipe. This […] -Thanks Peggy, same to you!ReplyCancel
May 2, 2016 - 4:26 pm
Anna Rosenblum Palmer -I remember this one and July 4th. Perhaps because the date is in the name? I need some help in that department. Looks good!ReplyCancel
When I am at the mall, or a museum and I have to pee I don’t have to think about where I belong, or who I am, or how I am seen by the other people. I wait in line like all the other women, who also need to pee (right now) and step into […]
Marcy-Well said. As hateful and ignorant as these new discriminatory laws are, I also have been heartened to see some organizations stepping up to discuss boycotting the discriminatory states and to publicize messages of inclusion to their employees and customers (the NBA, Target).ReplyCancel
April 28, 2016 - 2:54 am
Melony-Perfectly said! Unfortunately, it seems the government seem only capable of making decisions based on fear and imagined threats. It’s so tragic. 😯ReplyCancel
April 28, 2016 - 12:34 pm
Ellen-Ditto what Marcy and Melony said. Clearly, thinking and common sense are not requirements to be politicians, just an ability to pander to certain groups to get votes.ReplyCancel
May 1, 2016 - 1:11 pm -Ellen, it is so infuriating, and senseless. I’m already reading about the fallout of self-appointed bathroom monitors causing problems. This can’t end well, unless it ends soon.ReplyCancel
April 28, 2016 - 9:04 pm
Newshound to Novelist -You have expressed yourself in a clear and powerful way, managing to sum up a really emotive topic with clarity – awesome job. I will be remembering every word for when I inevitably get into an argument with someone about this!ReplyCancel
I cook fish almost every week, so why are there so few recipes here at CLD? Almost everyone I know feels a little nervous to cook fish properly, including me. Who am I to offer cooking tips on something I don’t feel expert at? To answer that question let’s talk a little about my (easy) rules for fish preparation. Keep […]
For most of the last year my daughter and I have been watching the Gilmore Girls, and last week we started the final season. Of course we’re excited about the new episodes slated to air later this year on Netflix, but we’re sad about reaching the end of something that has become an important part of our mother-daughter conversation. […]
Peggy Gilbey -Excellent Post Nancy. Although I never watched Gilmore Girls as consistently as you and your daughter, and may have been cooking when it was on, I still have this unique attachment to it and the characters. The show gives me a nice feeling of special times with my youngest daughter for reasons that I cannot explain, but reading your article may have touched those points spot on.ReplyCancel
April 20, 2016 - 1:48 pm
Rowan -I thiiiiiink Amazon Prime may have all the old Castle episodes? It for sure won’t start conversations like this, but I do love me some Castle.ReplyCancel
April 20, 2016 - 2:27 pm -Rowan, I checked Amazon and they don’t… ThanksReplyCancel
April 20, 2016 - 4:44 pm
Anna Rosenblum Palmer -I love the Gilmore girls. I also love your parenting belief of helping your daughter become the truest version of herself!ReplyCancel
May 13, 2016 - 7:01 am -Thanks Anna, we are almost at the end only few more episodes sniff, sniff.ReplyCancel
April 20, 2016 - 6:28 pm
Ellen Mayborn Behm -I just started watching the Gilmore Girls in the last few months, and am pleasantly surprised at how much I like it. I wish I could think of a good replacement.ReplyCancel
April 20, 2016 - 8:38 pm
Meg Galipault -How great that you were able to bond over a tv series. I never watched the show but can appreciate how it opened the door to deeper understanding. Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel
April 20, 2016 - 8:44 pm
Cyn K-Since I haven’t watched “Gilmore Girls,” I’m not sure what to recommend. It has stopped me from thinking about possibilities all afternoon.
Maybe because it is an election year my brain is stuck on “West Wing.” It has seven seasons, an interesting ensemble cast and features the character of CJ, the White House Press Secretary, a strong female character that you might appreciate.ReplyCancel
April 20, 2016 - 9:49 pm -Cyn, I was a huge fan of West Wing, and have watched the entire series twice! I like almost all things Sorkin. Thanks for the suggestion.ReplyCancel
April 21, 2016 - 3:39 am
Melony-That sounds like such an amazing way to spend time with your daughter! Castle is a fun show, but probably won’t have the same meaning for you. I am wracking my brain about potential replacements and the only ones I can think of are Buffy, Mad Men and The Wire. And they will have the same effect as Castle. LolReplyCancel
April 21, 2016 - 4:51 pm
Marcy-That sounds really special that you can share that together, and I love the idea that you can discuss the characters’ problems as a way to talk about real life without touching upon things that your daughter wasn’t comfortable talking about. I haven’t seen the show, but I loved Parenthood. That would be a good choice if you haven’t seen it, and since Lauren Graham is one of the stars, I guess it’s a pretty obvious one. The movie it’s loosely based on is hilarious and great, too, by the way.ReplyCancel
April 30, 2016 - 11:15 am
Leslie Landau -Hi Nancy. I loved this piece (as I love all your pieces — I am a stalker and read them all). We also bonded with our younger son over the nightly ritual of an episode of one series after another. Some probably not a fit for you (Star Trek and TNG, Sherlock, Justified). We watched Castle too — fun but lightweight. But, ah, The West Wing. Still our favorite, and timely (timeless?).ReplyCancel
May 1, 2016 - 1:09 pm -Leslie, So glad to have you as a follower (not a stalker). Many people have suggested West Wing (one of my all time faves) but one of the things that’s been great about GGs has been that neither of us have seen them before, so it’s all new to both of us. We loved Sherlock! I think, that as with GGs we’ll stumble on to something serendipitously (is that a word?) Thanks for the comment, it’s nice to know you’re out there!ReplyCancel
Cyn K - Fellow procrastinator here. The community we moved into back in 2013 has a pool that is free for residents. My son LOVES water. You would have thought I would have taken him that first summer as soon as the water was warm enough. Nope. I got hung up on the fact that I didn’t have a swimsuit and that it might be hard to teach him to swim. The next summer, I hemmed and hawed again until his playing in (toilet) water forced my hand. I’m kicking myself for all the swimming opportunities wasted.
I hope you find the courage and motivation to go swimming one more time. Maybe after that first time, you’ll convince yourself to go once more. And then again. - Cyn, I hope you’re right!
Cathy Goodwin - Try my gym – 12th Street Gym. We have women of all shapes and sizes, from gorgeous body builders to 300 lbs. and up. Tell them I referred you! And we have a pool with classes in water aerobics. (Not for me. I’ve hated the water my whole life. I’m part cat.) - Hi Cathy, I have a gym (near me) that I still belong to but my membership is still frozen, and waiting for me:)
Lisa Shaw - I identify with this SO much. Way, way, way too much. Thank you for writing it! I’m going to go *think* about working out now. Maybe I’ll even do some?
Vanessa D. - From now on I am a unique woman who requires a special buyer, because it is one of the most apt descriptions I’ve ever heard used to describe the situation I find myself in these days. - Thanks Vanessa!
Melony - I can’t swim. I tried to learn and was getting more comfortable in the water when I suddenly just stopped. Then I gained 40lb and refused to see myself in a bathing suit. It’s not a pretty sight. I imagine as well that if I ever lost my husband, I’d be just as fearful of the dating pool as the gym pool. Great analogy and I hope some day soon you’ll overcome it all! - Me too! Thanks for the comment Melony.
Courtenay Baker - Inertia. I am there now, too, especially with exercise.