Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
Sometimes I don’t plan and I just throw dinner together from what’s lying around the house. (I had to think about that; the whole laying/lying thing gets me every time.) I pride myself on being able to whip a meal up from whatever is available, but honestly some of those impromptu meals have been disappointing. Other […]
I can’t believe I’ve never written a post about my favorite kitchen tools. You might think I have a kitchen jammed with tools, gadgets and assorted doo dads but my favorite kitchen tools are simple and get lots of use. I am not a fan of single purpose tools, so […]
Rena McDaniel -I love my kitchen gadgets, but I had forgotten about the plastic wrap. I used to use it all the time when my husband was a butcher. I’ll have to be on the lookout for that one.ReplyCancel
January 4, 2016 - 4:46 pm
Anna Rosenblum Palmer -Ah…someone else who dislikes the uni tasker. I would add my silpat sheet pan liners. The only real non stick thing on eart. And my one good chefs knife. Plus my soda stream but that is more bar ware. Another post for you?ReplyCancel
January 5, 2016 - 12:39 am
Peggy Gilbey -Interesting choices Nancy, I couldn’t do without tongs, and wooden spoons. Home Goods is a great place to pick up inexpensive spatulas.ReplyCancel
May 31, 2016 - 5:36 am
David-I liked to try different kitchen tools at my home so this is really helpful post to know about different kitchen tools. ThanksReplyCancel
At the end of every December I choose my word for the year to come. My methods for finding my word vary. I ponder, I do stupid quizzes on Face Book, I happen upon them. This is the sort of thing that can’t be forced, and is a cross between very important, and completely insignificant. My words since I […] -Lynda, thanks and Happy New Year to you too!ReplyCancel
December 30, 2015 - 1:05 pm
Soapie-Wow love the word you chose in the end, and how you finished this piece.
I too never fulfill my resolutions every year… I don’t even know why I make them!ReplyCancel
December 30, 2015 - 1:46 pm -Soapie, thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed this. I don’t think I know anyone who keeps their resolutions.
Happy New Year!ReplyCancel
December 31, 2015 - 3:06 am
Lois Alter Mark -I love that your words of the last two years were both Jennifer Lawrence movies!! (Well, close enough – Excelsior is from Silver Linings Playbook). Write is a great choice, and I look forward tor reading what you write in 2016!ReplyCancel
December 31, 2015 - 4:21 pm
Amy Bee -I do this, too! My word is bravery. Good stuff.ReplyCancel
December 31, 2015 - 5:37 pm
Meg Galipault -Yes!!! And it’s a verb, which means action, right? Love this essay.ReplyCancel
Bacon continues to dominate the world, and though I am still a fan, though I have found a replacement and pecans are my new bacon. I seem to be adding them to everything, and everything I add them to is better for it. Toasted pecans (and you must toast them) add flavor, texture and depth to foods. They’re […]
Scone Fever » Chefs Last Diet-[…] sweet and savory, rough and craggy, and filled with whatever I’ve a yen for. I’ve used pecans, bacon, cheddar, caramelized onions and Gruyere (biscuits), lemon zest and blueberries, and […]ReplyCancel
We all have ghosts of Christmas past and most of them visit unexpectedly. Unlike the ghosts that visit Ebenezer Scrooge who is warned about their impending arrival, mine sneak up on me. The older I get the more Christmases I accumulate, and the more likely I am to be haunted by what was, or what might have been. I have […]
Peggy Gilbey -Beautiful Post Nancy. Enjoy the evening and day with friends. I am not cooking this year for the first time in many, many, many years, you might think I would be happy for the break. Understanding melancholia. Merry Christmas and may your visits from ghosts this year be good ones.ReplyCancel
December 23, 2015 - 2:29 pm
Cathy Goodwin -Check out the FB group, Community of Single People. A lot of single people actually enjoy spending holidays alone! I would rather be alone than be with strangers, making small talk or pretending not to notice the family fights. I’ve spent Christmases alone in Paris, London, Edinburgh and Madrid … and enjoyed walking around, visiting whatever was open and eating a good meal.ReplyCancel
December 23, 2015 - 7:12 pm
Amy Bee -Your descriptions of your memories are animated and full of a soft, yet eminating emotion. Thanks for sharing it.ReplyCancel
December 24, 2015 - 12:41 pm
Cathy -Ah, those ghosts coming unannounced. May your ghost of Christmas present be kind and merry.ReplyCancel
December 24, 2015 - 12:43 pm -Thanks Cathy, the same to you.ReplyCancel
December 24, 2015 - 1:31 pm
Jennifer-Beautifully written. I always get visited by ghosts of Christmases past, too. Sometimes I wish they’d stop coming, but sometimes I’m glad for the reminder that some things have changed.ReplyCancel
December 24, 2015 - 6:16 pm -Jennifer, I have found you don’t get the good without getting the bad. True for all things. Merry Christmas. ReplyCancel
December 25, 2015 - 1:08 am
Meg Galipault -I’m so glad you will be spending the holiday with friends. This post, which could have been one that plunged deep in depression without swimming back up, speaks to the loneliness of the holidays but also the power of friendships. I loved this line especially: “Over the years those invitations have always come, and each year when they arrive I exhale in the way you do when you didn’t realize you’d been holding your breath.” Well done!ReplyCancel
Rena McDaniel - I love my kitchen gadgets, but I had forgotten about the plastic wrap. I used to use it all the time when my husband was a butcher. I’ll have to be on the lookout for that one.
Anna Rosenblum Palmer - Ah…someone else who dislikes the uni tasker. I would add my silpat sheet pan liners. The only real non stick thing on eart. And my one good chefs knife. Plus my soda stream but that is more bar ware. Another post for you?
Peggy Gilbey - Interesting choices Nancy, I couldn’t do without tongs, and wooden spoons. Home Goods is a great place to pick up inexpensive spatulas.
David - I liked to try different kitchen tools at my home so this is really helpful post to know about different kitchen tools. Thanks