Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
Most people crave a certain level of order in their life, but in reality not much is linear. When things aren’t going the way I expect them to I often resort to my fill in the blank mantra of ______ isn’t linear. Most recently I’ve been repeating to myself and others who ask about my recovery, ‘Well, […]
Rowan -I noticed when I was making cider gingerbread on Monday that I have five separate cinnamons. Not counting the jar of stick cinnamon. And three turmerics, heaven knows how. The onion powder is out of control (The Boy likes the flavor but not texture of onions so…). But I know where all three of my tape measures are. Just don’t ask me for a light bulb.ReplyCancel
November 11, 2015 - 9:05 pm
Beeray-Life is messy. Guess that’s what adds colour and volume to it. But too much of anything can be badReplyCancel
November 12, 2015 - 1:44 am
Ellen Mayborn Behm -My ducks are almost never in a row.ReplyCancel
November 12, 2015 - 11:19 am
Donna-Louise Bishop-It’s odd. I like to write in order; chapter by chapter, scene by scene. But I have found lately I have been writing things that need to be written, whether it is in the order I intended or not! And I must say – I think it’s made me rather productive! Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed it 🙂ReplyCancel
November 12, 2015 - 2:59 pm
Stacie-This is so true. I am very logical and like linear things too but typically that’s not how it goes. Also, I spend HOURS editing.ReplyCancel
November 12, 2015 - 4:17 pm
Kristin Wald-Now I know what I’m doing wrong in the kitchen!
I appreciate reading references to editing and even re-writing completely. Too many times those who choose to put words to (medium here) are discouraged because they think it must all happen with little or no effort.ReplyCancel
November 12, 2015 - 11:03 pm
Meg Galipault -Almost nothing I do is linear. Not my job, not writing, not cleaning, not cooking. I blame my short attention span. Well done.ReplyCancel
In the past few weeks I’ve been complaining writing about my new issues with food, particularly my lack of appetite, and lack of interest in cooking, but rather than sit idly by, I decided to make myself a great sandwich, and a sandwich is a start. This was no ordinary sandwich though; I was going […]
November 8th is Cook Something Bold Day a holiday made up created by the folks over at This is a direct quote from their site: According to it’s creator,, Cook Something Bold Day is designed to encourage us to cook something bold and daring, that will fill up the house with warm, “homey” odors. It is […]
Stacie-I had tripe only once – in Japan. It was ok but not something I’d ever want to cook myself! I’m not very bold. Maybe that pie crust qualified as bold for me 😉 I actually love to back. I just don’t tend to bake pie.ReplyCancel
November 9, 2015 - 5:12 pm -Oh no you don’t! It really stinks.ReplyCancel
November 10, 2015 - 5:14 pm
Zarina Fertova -My story with weight loss is the following: I’ve always been fat, but this year I decided to get out of my comfort zone and weight loss. I did the diet this site here and I lost 28 pounds. A big kiss to all.ReplyCancel
I have a food blog, and for the past month I have been not been cooking. Oh sure, I have cooked a few things, some cauliflower soup, a roasted chicken, and last week I made some macaroni and cheese and used smoked cheese, but nothing I was even moved to photograph or make notes about. I write […]
I am a sucker for dumplings, not as in chicken and, but Asian dumplings, the kind my daughter used to ask for in three syllables dump-a-lings. Whenever I’d ask what she wanted for dinner it was dumplings. Just the other day I saw something about a new place that’s opened here in Philly, and what is […]
Stacie-I wish I could go to this dumpling place with you! The weirdest thing I ever ate, which maybe isn’t weird to some people, was tripe. And yes, I tried it because I was in Japan and my host ordered everything for the group.ReplyCancel
November 7, 2015 - 5:49 pm -I’ll keep you posted and let you know if it’s worth the trip 🙂ReplyCancel
November 7, 2015 - 9:55 pm
Janelle-I LOVE dumpings!!! So much. Being from Vancouver “Dim Sum Sunday” was a pretty regular thing. Of all the places I’ve been Taipei was the dumpling mecca. The best was the restaurant at the base of Taipei 101. Amazing!!!ReplyCancel
November 8, 2015 - 8:08 am -I am a dim sum junkie! And one of my favorite NYC dim sum places has recently opened in Philly which makes me very happy. ReplyCancel
November 8, 2015 - 8:23 am
Cooking » Chefs Last Diet-[…] not sure what to write about. I wish there was something I was dying to eat (besides those dumplings) or cook, but at this point it all feels like a chore, and I’m starting to […]ReplyCancel
Rowan - I noticed when I was making cider gingerbread on Monday that I have five separate cinnamons. Not counting the jar of stick cinnamon. And three turmerics, heaven knows how. The onion powder is out of control (The Boy likes the flavor but not texture of onions so…). But I know where all three of my tape measures are. Just don’t ask me for a light bulb.
Beeray - Life is messy. Guess that’s what adds colour and volume to it. But too much of anything can be bad
Ellen Mayborn Behm - My ducks are almost never in a row.
Donna-Louise Bishop - It’s odd. I like to write in order; chapter by chapter, scene by scene. But I have found lately I have been writing things that need to be written, whether it is in the order I intended or not! And I must say – I think it’s made me rather productive! Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed it 🙂
Stacie - This is so true. I am very logical and like linear things too but typically that’s not how it goes. Also, I spend HOURS editing.
Kristin Wald - Now I know what I’m doing wrong in the kitchen!
I appreciate reading references to editing and even re-writing completely. Too many times those who choose to put words to (medium here) are discouraged because they think it must all happen with little or no effort.
Meg Galipault - Almost nothing I do is linear. Not my job, not writing, not cleaning, not cooking. I blame my short attention span. Well done.