The first time I made my own mayonnaise it felt downright magical. I must have read something in Cuisine or Gourmet magazine and decided to give it a try. I had no understanding of the science of emulsions, and I was about to find out. I was already using my blender to make pesto (THE […]
Crystal Bissonnette - I love mayo! I prefer it over ketchup too. It sounds like there is quite a science behind it…so for now I will continue to buy it. 🙂 Tho I would like to try making it sometime.
Susanne Fletcher - So much to love in this piece! Are you pulling my leg – is there such a thing as saffron vapour?? And imagine mayo-making as an edgy activity – that’s a riot!Loved the trip down food-memory lane, too, with pesto and cookbooks and newspapers and t.v.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Susanne, Busted, I made up saffron vapour! I hope that doesn’t make this piece fiction 🙂
Cyn K - It seems like it would be so satisfying to make this yourself. I love that the waitress “naturally didn’t like it.”
nrlowell@comcast.net - Cyn, it’s been a while since I made it. I think I’ll add a recipe to this post.
Megan Ferrell - Homemade mayo is the best; that waitress was crazy. I love this journey through foodie history and your own food history, all woven together.