In front of my city house is a square tree planter, with a redbud tree, I often find things left under my tree even when it’s not Christmas. Generally those things are cigarette butts, half-empty cans and bottles because apparently anything even vaguely resembling an open container is a good place for trash. I suppose I should […]
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 I thought I had a good idea for a casserole type dish of zucchini and mushrooms. I saw some really nice local zucchini and mushrooms on sale, so it just made sense. I scribbled down a bunch of ideas, from fritters, to pancakes, to this baked dish. I thought wild rice would be a good addition, and […]
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 Yes, I was born and raised in the USA, and no, I don’t like ketchup. If there were a national sauce ketchup would be ours. People put that stuff everywhere, on fries (OK, I get that), hamburgers (OK, if you mix it with equal parts mustard), hot dogs (why), eggs (if you do this in my presence […]
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 Can you take the measure of grief? During my usual trolling around the internet I came across a piece in the Huffington Post on Sheryl Sandberg’s decision to return to work ten days after the sudden death of her husband. There was the usual mix of support and derision about this choice. Some people felt this was […]
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 We taste five flavors sweet, sour, sour, bitter, fresh, and umami, and loads of combinations, and a craving for the combination of hot and sweet got me cooking today. I am generally not a fan of spicy food, but sweet tempers the heat enough for pansies like me. Though I made this chicken using chicken thighs (I […]
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Vanessa D. - I like the idea of the trash collector taking the doll home and restoring it, giving her a chance to be a child’s favored possession one more time.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Thanks Vanessa, I hope it really happened…
Peggy Gilbey McMackin - Interesting story. Happy the doll found a home.