The traditional Passover story tells of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, my Passover story is about my family. Over the years my family has been together and apart at Passover, and we tell the story of our own continuing journey. In my mind are snapshots of holidays over the years; the people who are no longer in the picture, the people […]
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 It’s a lot to say, but it’s easy to make this Passover friendly French toast waffle. When I was a kid during the week of Passover my dad always made matzo-brei, sometimes sweet, like French toast, sometimes savory with onions, but I didn’t like any of it. When I mentioned my idea to make it into […]
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 Go to almost any Italian restaurant in the United States and no matter the season you’ll likely find some iteration of pasta primavera. In fact if you were born after 1980 you have no recollection of a world without it, but like many other dishes attributed to Italy, Primavera is a modern dish conceived in […]
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 The piano has been around longer than I have. It belonged to my grandmother, then my mother, then me. I remember playing it with my dad, and sitting next to him while he played. He didn’t know how to read music, but he had a good ear, and though he knew bits and pieces of […]
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 The end of March is always a fun time at my house, because it’s birthday time! My daughter’s and my birthdays are just a week apart, and I admit that even at my advanced age, I still get excited about mine. One of the challenges of having a birthday in March is that the weather is […]
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http:// www.thediaryofanalzheimerscaregiver.com - Looks so delicious!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Thanks, we really liked it, please let me know if you do.
Sassy in Sequins - This looks awesome and I must try it over the weekend! Chag Sameach!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Thanks, please let me know what you think.
Peggy Gilbey - Nice idea Nancy. Have a Happy Passover.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Thanks Peggy, and a Happy Easter to you!