I feel like every time I open Facebook there are new must-try food hacks, some are funny, some are really great, but more and more of these hacks are trying a little too hard. Just to be clear, I love a good hack, and I’ve posted some here, both mine and others’ but if it’s not […]
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 I spent my entire freshman year at Skidmore College feeling like a fish out of water, feeling Jewish. Nothing in my life had prepared me for the rich, beautiful, WASP-y girls I encountered when I got there. Suddenly I was surrounded by willowy blondes wearing twin sets and pearls to class and driving brand new sports cars. Growing […]
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 I have written about my difficulties with breakfast, numerous times. I would love to go out for breakfast every day, because there is something much more appealing about eggs that someone else has cooked. Maybe it’s all the things they’re willing to give me with my eggs that I’m unwilling to make, potatoes, sausage, rye […]
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 Farm raised salmon has pretty bad reputation, but if you’ve been avoiding it, I think it’s worth a second look. Wild salmon is chock full of omega fats, but there is a limited supply, and the season is short, meaning that except for a few months a year wild salmon is only available frozen. It is also very […]
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 I swim because in the water I am thin, sleek and beautiful. For thirty minutes a few times a week I love my body and marvel at what it can accomplish. I cut through the water, feeling it on every part of me. The straps of my bathing suit form an X across my back, […]
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Suheiry Feliciano - I think good food hacks are the ones that you remember because you actually use them, not just pin them or share them. I like your tips. I used to make pancakes for the week and freeze them. It’s so much cheaper than buying them frozen.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Suheiry, I think most people who do a lot of cooking use hacks and don’t even think of them that way.