The winter solstice is the day with the shortest daylight hours. It doesn’t feel like it, but starting today the days will be getting longer for the next six months until the summer solstice. As far back as I can recall I’ve been interested in the four days of the year that mark the change […]
Leesha D. Chamberlain - Yum! This sounds like a delicious way to usher in winter! 🙂
nrlowell@comcast.net - Leesha, thanks! I think cold weather food is my favorite. And if I weren’t afraid it would kill me I might eat short ribs every day!
Rena McDaniel - I have always been fascinated by the Winter and Summer Solstice I don’t know why. It’s still a long way until Spring but I can’t wait! I pinned your recipe it looks delicious!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Rena, I know the solstices are fascinating, I never made it there, but for years each year at the spring equinox there was an event at the World Trade Center when they would balance eggs on their ends at the exact moment of the equinox (though I’m not sure what that means).
Marci Schwartz Lutsky - That marinade sounds fantastic!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Thanks Marci, and it’s so easy!
Miranda Papandreou - You are two hours too late with this! I threw short ribs in the slow cooker this morning. I went to the butcher yesterday so I have another pack in the freezer. I am pinning this for next time!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Sorry Miranda, please let me know how you like it when you do make it!
Carrie MkgLemonade - The recipe looks delicious, perfect for these longer, colder nights. 🙂
nrlowell@comcast.net - Carrie, I think I’d be happy to eat braised food every cold night! Oh, and maybe some soups too 🙂
Jennie Schumann - I always keep my blinds open at the top so that I can see the sun in the morning, but these dark days make me want to snuggle in bed for a while longer. Lovely post and a fabulous recipe!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Thanks Jennie, I like the idea of blinds open in the morning, but bedroom faces north, so I am up way before any signs of the sun!
Gina Badalaty - Looks delicious! I’m ok with early sunset. I’d be ok with monks singing, might make the season less glum 🙂
nrlowell@comcast.net - Gina, yes monks singing would certainly improve my winter mood!
Peggy Gilbey McMackin - Hi Nancy, interesting Post. You and I have something in common, neither of us like feeling dragged out of bed in the dark. I struggle with this annually! Otherwise, I rather enjoy most of the winter!
Cathy Chester - Oh, yum! The recipe sounds so delicious. A wonderful post, Nancy.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Thanks Cathy! Please let me know if you make it>
Suheiry - I don’t handle winter well. The dark brings me down and the cold makes my joints hurt. I need the light and heat of summer.
I also look out for the winter and summer solstices.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Suheiry, I am right there with you about the cold, but I am not a big fan of the summer heat either. Sometimes I think I’d be better off living soemwhere like San Francisco or Seattle.