Here are ten cleaning hacks and tips. OK, maybe they’re not all “hacks” because I’m not exactly sure what qualifies as a hack… If you cook a lot, you make a lot of messes, and it can be a challenge getting things clean. Before you toss that stained Pyrex, the pot […]
Peggy Gilbey - Nice tips. I make a cleaning ‘potion’ of third each parts of white vinegar, alcohol, and water in a spray bottle. Soaking a paper towel with this mixture easily cleans the collected grease out of my stainless vent above the range and its surrounding area. This mixture is also good for cleaning counters. Thanks for sharing.
Attack of the Food Hacks » Chefs Last Diet - […] little too hard. Just to be clear, I love a good hack, and I’ve posted some here, both mine and others’ but if it’s not going to save me time and effort it’s not a […]