We are constantly bombarded with choices, so many that at times it seems what we choose hardly matters, but that’s not true, it has become more and more important to make good choices. We make choices when we turn on the box that delivers our television viewing, when we go online to shop, and every […]
Anna Belle - You would love the movie Fed Up, I think! I was just reading about the 10 day sugar challenge and how bad processed foods can be.
I also wonder if the choice is not really one about money – we can make some pretty nice meals with dry pasta, tomatoes from the garden, tuna fish,… Fresh bread is cheaper than store-bought – home made pizza is a lot cheaper than ordering in. I think the choice is one of time and energy! And that’s going to take a culture change to fix that!!!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Anna Bell,
I completely agree, and I’m looking forward to seeing Fed Up!
Thanks for stopping by.
Rhonda - I didn’t know about the Blue Ocean Institute site. That is great! I trust the “fish girl” where we usually shop. She is a great source of information. Last week, however, we picked up some fish we’d never had (and I’d never heard of) at a different store. I just looked it up and got a ton of information on it.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Rhonda,
You’re lucky to have “fish girl” most retail workers are clueless, unless you go to places like Whole Foods Market, or a real fish monger.