It’s March 3rd, and we’re having what I hope will be the last snow day of this winter, as we welcome March! Spring starts in a few weeks, both my daughter and I celebrate birthdays in March, and, as I’ve mentioned before, March will be a month devoted to Chicken, Quinoa and Kale, so […]

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  • March 3, 2014 - 12:54 pm

    Rhonda - That looks great Nancy. I wonder if my boys would like it.ReplyCancel

    • March 3, 2014 - 2:39 pm - Rhonda,
      Not sure, but my daughter liked it. Because of the potatoes, and the cauliflower the flavor is quite mild.
      They would probably love it with some croutons floating on top!ReplyCancel

  • March 4, 2014 - 11:56 am

    Welcome March! | The Bloppy Bloggers Gazette | ... - […] It’s March 3rd, and we’re having what I hope will be the last snow day of this winter, as we welcome March!  […]ReplyCancel

Like most people my age, I learned to read so I could read Dr. Seuss’ books including “Green Eggs and Ham” a classic, though not my favorite which is “If I Ran the Circus”. Green Eggs seems to have been written for picky eaters, to cajole them into trying something that just seems too yucky […]

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  • February 28, 2014 - 12:33 pm

    Lynda@fitnessmomwinecountry - Oh I have fallen into the habit of making more than one meal for each child {once in a while} our middle child does have issues with food and texture, so it makes it difficult at times, but I work with it and do my best to be patient and supportive.

    I loved this book and most of the Seuss books growing up 🙂ReplyCancel

Here are five dinners you can make in a flash! Before you gather everyone up to go out for dinner, before you pick up the phone to call for pizza or Chinese food delivery, stop, take a deep breath and take look in your pantry, I bet you have the makings of at least two […]

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  • February 26, 2014 - 2:39 pm

    Roshni - We do the fried rice a lot of the time! The corn pancakes is also a great idea!! I’m going to try that!ReplyCancel

  • February 28, 2014 - 11:09 am

    Sarah @ Thank You Honey - We do breakfast for dinner a ton! Thanks for sharing at Whatever Wednesday on Thank You Honey! Hope to see you again next week!ReplyCancel

  • February 26, 2016 - 7:38 am

    Estefany - You can use a rice cooker for brown rice. You just need to add a lttile more water and it takes a lttile more time.For white rice I use 1.5 cups of water for 1 cup of rice.For brown rice I use 1.75 cups of water for 1 cup of brown rice.I like using a rice cooker because the cooker will automatically switch from cook to warmer mode, but I’ve used a sauce pan and it’s worked too.ReplyCancel

My parents married when I was nine, and by way of an explanation in this age of people marrying after they have children, this was a second marriage for both of them. If I recall correctly, my dad served my (step) mother breakfast in bed every day of their marriage. This may sound really sweet, […]

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  • February 24, 2014 - 5:05 pm

    Rhonda - Oh my goodness that looks delicious! I’ve never soaked mine quite that much. I was just saying the other day that we never have french toast. So this coming weekend, I know what’s for brunch!ReplyCancel

  • February 24, 2014 - 5:21 pm

    Claudia Schmidt - With this cold winter weather, that sure sounds delicious! I might have to make that for dinner tonight 🙂ReplyCancel

  • February 26, 2014 - 10:16 am

    My Dad and Breakfast | The Bloppy Bloggers Gaze... - […] My parents married when I was nine, and by way of an explanation in this age of people marrying after they have children, this was a second marriage for both of them.  […]ReplyCancel

  • March 27, 2017 - 7:10 am

    Learning to Cook » Chefs Last Diet - […] risers in the house, so I’d sit in the kitchen with him and watch him make French toast or corn eggs. During the week I’d sit in the kitchen watching whoever was there making […]ReplyCancel

I was going to save this a surprise, but it turns out I am spilling the beans now…  March will be an entire month devoted to three things: kale, quinoa and chicken, and in preparation I have been cooking with all three so I am ready.  Last week I cooked up some chicken for a […]

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  • February 23, 2014 - 7:57 am

    The Power of Pineapple | The Bloppy Bloggers Ga... - […] I was going to save this a surprise, but it turns out I am spilling the beans now… March will be an entire month devoted to three things: kale, quinoa and chicken, and in preparation I have been cooking with all three so I am ready.  […]ReplyCancel

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