Once a year when I take my daughter to a swanky salon to get her back to school haircut, we go out for lunch to The Continental and without fail, we order the Lobster Mac and Cheese. It is made with orzo, gruyère and fontina cheeses, and full of big chunks of lobster, it is so […]
mike - this sounds like it would be good!
nrlowell@comcast.net - It was really yummy!
Jennifer Steck - OMG. This sounds fabulous! Is there a way to mail order it? 🙂
nrlowell@comcast.net - Jennifer, you can make this!!
Magical Mystical Mimi - Finally a recipe on line that I have all of the ingredients for! This sounds so delicious I can’t wait to make it! Emailing the link to my daughter-in-law too!
Thanks for sharing this!
nrlowell@comcast.net - That’s what I love about this, I always have the ingredients on hand!
Tina Ashburn - Yum!! Lobster is so rich, so switching it to shrimp is the perfect “light” alternative! You are amazing to have come up with this recipe! I’m giong to see if I can print it and keep it! Thanks!