I spent most of the past two days at the first annual Chef’s Conference held by Drexel University, two days that were all about food!  If you are reading this, you probably love food, and this event was pretty exciting.  Day one I chose to attend the panel discussions which were informative and which I […]

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  • January 15, 2014 - 9:16 am

    Rhonda - Totally impressive!ReplyCancel

I had more than the requisite number of grandmothers; ours was a Modern Family way before it was fashionable… Many of my childhood memories of them include memories of food, both good and bad.  Though they were all technically Jewish grandmothers, my assortment of grandmothers really ran the gamut.  There was my maternal, cold, austere, well bred […]

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  • January 10, 2014 - 11:46 am

    Hoda - Great cook and great story teller!ReplyCancel

  • January 10, 2014 - 12:37 pm

    Magical Mystical Mimi - Wow, steak with peanut butter.. Yikes! 🙂 I was fortunate, everyone in my family as far back as it goes were great cooks. My grandma owned a couple of restaurants, as did my dad and my uncle, and everybody in the family cooked and for some reason it just seems like we all always knew how. Maybe it’s because my dad’s family is Italian and my mom’s family is from the south but I can tell you, if we lacked for anything growing up it certainly wasn’t food! What great memories you have. Thank you for sharing.
    Stopping by from Bloppy Bloggers, FB.ReplyCancel

This is not something I say lightly, or often, but I must declare, this grass fed brisket dish may be the best thing I have ever made!  It took some time; I started it last night, let it cool overnight, and cooked it again tonight.  Believe me when I say it is worth every second […]

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  • January 8, 2014 - 2:00 pm

    Chris Carter - Seriously- that looks AMAZING!!!! I may have to try it… it looks worth the effort from a “non-cook” like me!!!ReplyCancel

  • January 9, 2014 - 9:20 am

    Grass Fed Brisket | The Bloppy Bloggers Gazette... - […] This is not something I say lightly, or often, but I must declare, this grass fed brisket dish may be the best thing I have ever made! It took some time; I started it last night, let it cool overnight, and cooked it again tonight.  […]ReplyCancel

Though I never heard the term hotdish before 1996 when I saw the movie Manny & Lo, I had certainly had my share of casseroles that would qualify.  I prefer the term hotdish as it sounds much more rustic and plain than casserole which is what we called these things at my(parents’) house.  We didn’t […]

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  • January 7, 2014 - 8:05 pm

    jhanis - Sounda heavenly! The only time I attempted to make a casserole, I meant a hot dish was an epic fail that I never tried again. This one sounds easy enough to make though.ReplyCancel

    • January 7, 2014 - 8:32 pm

      nrlowell@comcast.net - Yes, it is super easy! This week I will work on the creamy chicken hotdish, and I promise that is easy too!ReplyCancel

I like to think I am very good at choosing words in general, but when it comes to specific things, like choosing a word for a year, or a life, well then I get a bit stuck.  I loved the book Eat, Pray, Love, almost more than I care to admit, but that’s another story… […]

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  • January 5, 2014 - 10:43 am

    Lois Alter Mark - Joy is an awesome word and will be life-changing this year! I feel the same way about Eat Pray Love as you do — we will need to talk about that one day, hopefully in person!ReplyCancel

  • January 6, 2014 - 10:20 am

    Sarah Rudell Beach - Joy is a great word! I like it more than happiness – being happy is a momentary thing, while joy is deep and internal. Happy New Year!ReplyCancel

    • January 6, 2014 - 10:33 am

      nrlowell@comcast.net - I was flattered to have this word bestowed on me, and always try to live up to it! It is a wonderful word.ReplyCancel

  • January 6, 2014 - 10:54 am

    Jen @ Real Life Parenting - What a wonderful word to frame your thinking this year. After all, we see what we look for. 🙂ReplyCancel

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