OK, the final countdown to Thanksgiving has begun! Are you ready yet? I hope this final countdown post will help you with your final preparations, and make this the least stressful Thanksgiving you’ve ever had. It can’t be said enough, the more you can get done ahead of time, the easier the day will be. […]
Tracie - Great tips!! Thanksgiving dinner is a LOT of work, but so very worth it.
nrlowell@comcast.net - It so is! I look forward to it every year.
Julie Chenell DeNeen - This post was so helpful. Looking forward to your final countdown!
Robert Manea - This is why i do not cook the turkey.. we are a side bringing family..
nrlowell@comcast.net - Nice!
C.K. Hope - I absolutely love having the dishes marked with what goes in them! You just saved me the stress of having to stop whatever prep I’m doing to say “this goes here and that goes there …” Thank you!
nrlowell@comcast.net - So glad, that was my goal!
Lois Alter Mark - I love how you marked what each serving dish is for. And I can’t wait for your latke recipe although my mom has already gotten started on ours.
nrlowell@comcast.net - I love mine lacy and thin, how do you like yours?