Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
I don’t know Ina Garten personally, though I did go to see her earlier this week. She was appearing at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, and I felt like I couldn’t pass up a chance to see her. The place was packed, and I was curious about what it was I was going to […]
Ina’s and My Last Meal | The Bloppy Blogg...-[…] Image from Ina Garten Face Book page I don’t know Ina Garten personally, though I did go to see her earlier this week. She was appearing at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, and I felt like I couldn’t pass up a chance to see her. […]ReplyCancel
I am not Italian, not one tiny bit, but I LOVE meatballs! And sauce too. I have made lots of meatballs in an attempt to get them just right, tender, flavorful ones that hold their shape. The last time I made them I had intended to write a post, but they weren’t that good, certainly […]
Slow Meatballs and Sauce | Bloppy Bloggers Gaze...-[…] I am not Italian, not one tiny bit, but I LOVE meatballs! And sauce too. I have made lots of meatballs in an attempt to get them just right, tender, flavorful that hold their shape. […]ReplyCancel
Thanksgiving cooking is pretty stressful. This is probably the biggest meal you will cook all year, and the time when a lot of people are cooking things they don’t normally cook under stressful conditions, and with a timer running! It is also when you have the opportunity to expose your loved ones to illness if […]
Rosanna Cruz Rogacion -A week ahead, anyway, here’s to a festive and joyful Thanksgiving for you and your family!ReplyCancel
November 15, 2013 - 4:46 pm -I’ve posted one a week all month; one more to go! Thanks for the holiday wishes!ReplyCancel
November 16, 2013 - 1:55 am
Lois Alter Mark -Definitely getting in the mood after reading this! Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. I know it will be a delicious one!ReplyCancel
I have a lot of barley in my pantry, no doubt the result of poor inventory procedures… So I’m making some more soup. It has gotten quite cold, quite fast here, and soup will warm my hands and belly. Like a lot of people, I grew up on Campbell’s soup, occasionally we’d get Progresso, if […]
The Food Blog -This looks SO delicious! I too, love soup and I will definately make this one. I am off to like your facebook page, check out mine if you get a chance!ReplyCancel
Barley: A Versatile Grain | Better After 50-[…] some crusty bread and a green salad to Nancy Lowell’s Three Mushroom Barley Soup to make a hearty dinner on a blustery evening. Tossing some roasted, cubed pumpkin and dried […]ReplyCancel
I have spent the majority of my life on one diet or another. So have most of the women I know. I have lost weight, a lot of it, numerous times. And yet, I am not thin. I have an entire library devoted to books on weight loss, healthy eating, diet cookbooks, think yourself […]
Rosanna Cruz Rogacion -“A diet of self-satisfaction,” love that! Clarissa Pinkola Estes, in “Women Running with Wolves,” talked about her weight. She said it was because of her lineage – and that most of the women in her family were huge. So she said there’s no point in making herself thin. She embraced who she is. Just as you have. That’s great!ReplyCancel
November 13, 2013 - 1:05 pm -I’m not there yet… work in progress.ReplyCancel
Larks-Michael Pollan’s books were such an eye opener for me in a lot of ways. His points about our over-reliance on nutrition science and various corresponding “scientifically based” fad diets especially. Some food is always “good” and some food is always “bad” and then it changes so the fad diet changes and the cycle goes on and on. I love his “Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much” quote. That’s the type of diet advice I can embrace.ReplyCancel
November 21, 2013 - 7:55 am -I am a Pollan fan too.I am currently reading Cooked and have gotten re-inspired.ReplyCancel
January 29, 2014 - 11:53 am
Molley@A Mother Life-Everything in moderation right? Portion control is a huge part of managing weight. Thank you so much for hooking up to the Hump Day Hook UpReplyCancel
January 29, 2014 - 3:49 pm -Love the Hook Up!ReplyCancel
January 30, 2014 - 8:40 pm
Rebecca-I gave up diets a long time ago. A book that validated my food mindset was French Women Don’t Get Fat. The main lesson for me was: everything in balance. Savor and enjoy everything.
I know when I am eating lazy foods-because I’m not a huge fan of food. I know when I need to “clean-up.” Which is where I am now. Thank you so much for sharing. It was what I needed to hear.ReplyCancel
Ina’s and My Last Meal | The Bloppy Blogg... - […] Image from Ina Garten Face Book page I don’t know Ina Garten personally, though I did go to see her earlier this week. She was appearing at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, and I felt like I couldn’t pass up a chance to see her. […]