There are many reasons to pop your own popcorn rather than buying microwave popcorn. There are the the bags. Even if you get only organic popcorn the bag is still coated with perfluorochemicals, or PFCs, a class of chemicals linked to various cancers and reproductive system damage. You have no way of knowing if your popcorn […]
Dan - You’ve covinced me. I’m going to start popping this evening. With oil.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Nice! Then you can try smoking it, and let em know how it goes.
Rosanna Cruz Rogacion - I love popcorn with butter, but will try it fun flavor #2: add parmesan instead of salt…love parmesan too!
nrlowell@comcast.net - My dad used to put parm on everything, but he used the kind in the green plastic jar… I tried to get him to like the good stuff, but he liked his ersatz stuff. Anyway her was the one who introduced me to parm on popcorn.
Susan Alexander - It may not be what the Aztecs ate, but Trader Joe’s organic are the most cost-effective and best-tasting popcorn kernels I have found. I recently performed an accidental blind tasting with a batch of popcorn that I fairly mindlessly popped. Didn’t do anything special with it, just olive oil and salt as usual, but as I ate it I thought, “Wow this is really good!” Then I remembered that it came from the TJs bag I had just opened, and that until that moment, I hadn’t actually had TJ’s for months. I was making do with Whole Foods bulk kernels over the summer while TJ’s suppliers regrouped. QED. If you see it buy it, because they tend to run out.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Thanks for the tip! I am definitely partial to organic popcorn because I try to avoid GMO corn.
rarasaur - This sounds delicious! We’re a popcorn family, too! 🙂
Popcorn | The Bloppy Bloggers Gazette | Scoop.it - […] There are many reasons to pop your own popcorn rather than buying microwave popcorn. There are the the bags. […]
Larks - You know, I didn’t even know crank popcorn poppers were a thing. I’m totally going to look for one next time I’m out thrifting.
nrlowell@comcast.net - They’re the BEST!
Sarah Honey - Yummy. We love popcorn! Never tried it with butter and Parmesan cheese. I’m definitely gonna try it. Thanks for sharing on Whatever Wednesday at Thank You Honey!
I Love You More Than Salt » Chefs Last Diet - […] and bags of processed food, and things like soda, and processed meats. If my earlier post about microwave popcorn and the bags it’s in didn’t scare you off, check out the salt content! If […]
Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend » Chefs Last Diet - […] but a kitchen friend, a friend that’s been with me for many years, a friend I’ve written about before. It is my old, well used, and well loved Brookstone Theater Popcorn Popper. A few weeks ago (maybe […]
Momofuku Milk Bar's Corn Cookies - Chefs Last Diet - […] yet. I like all things corn! I put corn in my pancakes, my scrambled eggs, I love corn chowder, popcorn, creamed corn, even corn dogs, though I don’t think I’ve had one in many years, and […]
Philly Farm and Food Fest » Chefs Last Diet - […] of my favorites from the PFFF was Red Fox Gourmet. As you know I am a sucker for all things popcorn, and this was some really great popcorn! They also have candied nuts and trail mix, but the popcorn […]
Plenty of Saffron » Chefs Last Diet - […] selling tiny bags of popcorn for $6.00. Scarcity or not, that seemed outrageous when I knew I had excellent popcorn at home, and a jar of smoky cheese topping I’ve been rationing […]