Let’s start with my favorite song about potatoes which pretty much says it all! Everyone loves potatoes! But in the past several years our potato options have grown exponentially, and when you get to the grocery store, almost any store, you are confronted with a wide selection of potatoes (without including sweet potatoes and yams). There […]
that cynking feeling - That photo is amazing. I had no idea there were so many kinds of potatoes.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Amazing huh!
Larks - I am so glad we’re rowmies for NaBloPoMo. I love learning about food!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Me too, love your blog, can’t wait to read more.
Lois Alter Mark - That picture is awesome! I’m going to have to try some of those Inca uses for potatoes — the sore throat one could start a whole new trend!
nrlowell@comcast.net - I had no idea about that stuff, cool huh!
Anonymous - Potatoes are one of my favorite foods! I’m quite pleased we’re rowmies for NaBloPoMo, it’ll be awesome learning about food!