Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
Less than one week to go, and you may have already started your Thanksgiving countdown. Any minute now Christmas decorations will go up, holiday music will ring through every available sound system, and we’ll all switch into some level of panic and anxiety as the trifecta of holidays approaches. And even if you’re Jewish, […]
It’s election day and I live in a state without early voting, so everyone who is going to vote is doing it today. Like many Americans (and others who worry about the state of the world) I’m a little anxious. I may bake (that helps) and try to stay away from the news until tonight […]
The older I get the more I’m aware that life moves fast. When I was a teenager I often complained to my mother about how slowly time was crawling along, and that I’d never be a grown up. She warned me that once you become one, it all goes faster and faster, and as usual, she was right. […]
I have been doing a lot of no cooking lately, and that’s a big challenge when you write a food blog. It all began a few months ago when my appetite deserted me, and that’s become my new normal. I have ideas about things to cook; I’ve been planning a post about making a deconstructed stuffed […]
The gift of a chef’s coat is wonderful for many people. Last week we were cleaning out the offices at work, and having gone through a name change, the old chef’s coats are now obsolete, so I asked if I could take one for my daughter. When I gave it to her (before I even washed […]