Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
If there has been one constant in my life, it has surely been my appetite. Each day I’d wake to the insistent rumblings in my stomach and my daily battle would begin. Would my appetite for yummy, fatty or sweet indulgences win, or would I quell my hunger with something more wholesome and healthy? On […]
I have written about my difficulties with breakfast, numerous times. I would love to go out for breakfast every day, because there is something much more appealing about eggs that someone else has cooked. Maybe it’s all the things they’re willing to give me with my eggs that I’m unwilling to make, potatoes, sausage, rye […]
Now that January is here, almost everyone we know is starting their annual diet. I cannot even count the number of diets I’ve started, some a complete and total failure almost immediately, some more manageable. Even thin people seem to think, worry and even obsess about their weight. And so for many people new year= […]
I don’t do it often, but sometimes, while channel surfing I find myself sucked in and realize why we watch reality TV. The first time I saw Hoarders all I could think of was what a sh*tstorm it was, and how does that happen to anyone. Then after finding myself on the third or fourth consecutive […]
Like most people my age, I learned to read so I could read Dr. Seuss’ books including “Green Eggs and Ham” a classic, though not my favorite which is “If I Ran the Circus”. Green Eggs seems to have been written for picky eaters, to cajole them into trying something that just seems too yucky […]