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Tag Archives: flavor

Another holiday has come along to surprise me! I know many people, way more attentive and organized than I who are always ready for whatever holiday is upon us. Yes, I am generally prepared for things like July fourth, and Thanksgiving, but holidays like Cinco de Mayo always catch me off guard. May fifth is […]

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While shopping the other day I came across the most lovely eggplants. They were small but not tiny, and perfectly purple and smooth and though they weren’t on my list I decided I must have them! I love eggplants, they have the same earthy robust quality that mushrooms have. If you’re having a vegan or […]

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On Saturday I posed a question on my Facebook page: “What is your favorite cheese?” To my surprise, I was inundated with replies, not surprisingly there were many more nominees than there were nominators. I too have a hard time choosing just one, and as I read each reply, found myself saying “Oh, yes, I […]

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