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Tag Archives: flavor

These are the stuffed chicken thighs I made last night. They were as good as they were easy. I don’t recommend starting them at 7:30 at night for a blog post the following day, but they don’t take long, and I had them in the oven in under an hour. To stuff a chicken thigh you […]

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  It’s March 3rd, and we’re having what I hope will be the last snow day of this winter, as we welcome March! Spring starts in a few weeks, both my daughter and I celebrate birthdays in March, and, as I’ve mentioned before, March will be a month devoted to Chicken, Quinoa and Kale, so […]

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My parents married when I was nine, and by way of an explanation in this age of people marrying after they have children, this was a second marriage for both of them. If I recall correctly, my dad served my (step) mother breakfast in bed every day of their marriage. This may sound really sweet, […]

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I was going to save this a surprise, but it turns out I am spilling the beans now…  March will be an entire month devoted to three things: kale, quinoa and chicken, and in preparation I have been cooking with all three so I am ready.  Last week I cooked up some chicken for a […]

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