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Tag Archives: love of food

There are three types of kale, ornamental is the stuff you see taking over beds in public places for the duration of fall until spring. The two types we eat are curly; easy to spot by its tight curly edges, and dinosaur kale also know as Lacinato or Tuscan kale, which has dark green bumpy leaves. […]

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  It’s March 3rd, and we’re having what I hope will be the last snow day of this winter, as we welcome March! Spring starts in a few weeks, both my daughter and I celebrate birthdays in March, and, as I’ve mentioned before, March will be a month devoted to Chicken, Quinoa and Kale, so […]

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Like most people my age, I learned to read so I could read Dr. Seuss’ books including “Green Eggs and Ham” a classic, though not my favorite which is “If I Ran the Circus”. Green Eggs seems to have been written for picky eaters, to cajole them into trying something that just seems too yucky […]

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My parents married when I was nine, and by way of an explanation in this age of people marrying after they have children, this was a second marriage for both of them. If I recall correctly, my dad served my (step) mother breakfast in bed every day of their marriage. This may sound really sweet, […]

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I was going to save this a surprise, but it turns out I am spilling the beans now…  March will be an entire month devoted to three things: kale, quinoa and chicken, and in preparation I have been cooking with all three so I am ready.  Last week I cooked up some chicken for a […]

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