Tag Archives: risotto
 Winter risotto is just what you need on a cold winter night. This one takes a few steps, but there’s no reason you couldn’t do all the prep over the weekend and toss it together on Wednesday night. I had a nice big butternut squash a friend gave me, and it was just […]
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 When I was in college in NYC I lived on Sullivan Street (yes the one Billy Joel sang about) and I was introduced to things like arancini, fresh and smoked mozzarella and prosciutto bread. This was years before EVOO was available in every supermarket in the USA. Having arancini available so easily meant I never […]
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 I love risotto, but I often forget about it, remembering only when I come upon it while looking for something else in my cupboards. Last week I was looking for ideas for dinner and stumbled on that half box that’s been there a while. I had time, and a container of Brussels sprouts which seemed […]
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 When I was a kid there was an auto shop that ran an ad each spring “Spring has sprung the grass has ris, I wonder how my spark plugs is?” I have no idea what company it was, and a Google search was fruitless, nevertheless, the jingle has stuck with me. When people ask […]
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 I have a food blog, and for the past month I have been not been cooking. Oh sure, I have cooked a few things, some cauliflower soup, a roasted chicken, and last week I made some macaroni and cheese and used smoked cheese, but nothing I was even moved to photograph or make notes about. I write […]
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