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Day of Thanks

thanksgiving 2010

Today is Thanksgiving Day.  I am spending it with my family, and the list of things I am thankful for is long, and for that I am doubly thankful.  I try not to wait until this particular day to show or express gratitude; it is something I try to do each night before I go to sleep. Several years ago, at a particular low point in my life, I did what many people do when they are brought low, by their own or someone else’s actions; I prayed.  I’m not sure why or what other than desperation motivated me, but it became an anchor for me.  Do I believe?  I don’t think it really matters.  It is important for me to say certain things out loud, even if I am alone, even if no one, or no One hears me.  

By writing about thankfulness I am writing out loud so to speak.  I am making my thoughts public; someone, you, will hear me.

There are so many people in my life I am thankful for, they are too many to mention.  I hope they are reading this, and I hope they know how much they mean to me.  I hope I am able to show them, even if it is just by making them a meal, or cookies, or jam, that I put my love and gratitude into that food.  Some people are too far away to cook for, so I send my love the ways I can, sometimes through these posts.  There are the people who have no idea how much they mean to me, and, I imagine, I mean more to some people than I realize. 

My siblings and I are now the senior generation in our family.  This is still astounding to me, as we really aren’t that old; the oldest of us is fifty five.  I am thankful that we are together this holiday, though we will miss my niece who is in Australia.  When my father died I wondered if our blended family would remain cemented, and then when my mom died, I wondered what, if anything, would hold us together, and now I feel a little abashed by my skepticism. 

This year we will gather at my older sister’s house.  She will probably make us sing, my family is one of those in which holiday celebrations include handed out song sheets, and mandatory group singing.  The food will be excellent, and abundant.  The conversation lively and we will likely have a little to much to drink, get silly and maybe play Taboo or some other game (we do those things as well).  There is always the potential for a fight, but we’ve gotten better about that over the years.  

My wish is that you are spending your Thanksgiving exactly where you want to be, and with people you want to be with. 

Columbus Day 2013 104




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  • November 28, 2013 - 8:02 am

    Rosanna - Happy Thanksgiving, Nancy. I want to thank you too. Actually, I thanked you in my guest blog post at yeah write

    • November 29, 2013 - 11:07 am - Rosanna,
      The same to you. I saw your post, and thank you. It means a lot to me to have offered something positive.ReplyCancel

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