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Happy Birthday

the present

Happy Birthday

Because today is my birthday (Happy Birthday to me) it seemed like a good occasion to finally post something. I haven’t posted anything in so long that each time I tried to write I thought ‘this isn’t important or good enough for the first post in X months.’ Like not talking to a friend for a very long time. Each day, week, month that passes makes it harder to take action. To call, or post, or even write at all.

This is not a milestone birthday, that was so last year. This is just another in the growing pile of birthdays I have amassed simply by sticking around. Last year I was lucky to have my whole family around to celebrate my birthday because it coincided with Passover. This year there is no celebration planned, other than publishing this long-overdue post.

In my last post, from January 2018 I expressed my desire to do more cooking and writing, and rather than more, I have spent the past year doing less. It was never my plan to be working as hard as I do at my age, and I get home from a long day of work too tired to do either. S-L-O-W-L-Y I’m making an effort to do more of both and I may even manage to post something now and then.

Sixty-one years ago, I was born to Elliot and Ruthanne Levy. We lived in Brooklyn, NY and family legend is that I was born talking. According to my father (and there is no one around to dispute him), unlike every Jewish person I know, I wasn’t named for a deceased relative, but for a song; ‘Nancy With the Laughing Face‘. I still get teary when I hear it. It was my first birthday gift.

I’m trying to keep my expectations for year 61 modest. I’ve been making an effort (with varying degrees of success) to write something every day. I cook something delicious at least once a week. I’ve finally rejoined the gym, and swim Saturday and Sunday, and as the weather improves, I plan to spend more time outdoors. Having finally broken my long blog drought, I hope to post more than once a year. Cheers and Happy Birthday!




the present
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