Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
In 1975 my best friend Richard and I were seventeen, and had great plans for our Christmas vacation. Our college applications all mailed out, we’d been saving money for months, Greyhound was offering an $80.00 ticket to travel anywhere in the USA for 30 days, and we were headed to Mexico City! I can’t believe […]
Elizabeth Bien -Sweet story…thanks for sharing it.ReplyCancel
January 13, 2015 - 1:19 pm
Pia Savage -Wow. I can’t imagine riding a bus to Mexico from NY! I actually remember that sell as I had just finished college and had to work! Was so envious of people who could go places!ReplyCancel
January 13, 2015 - 3:52 pm -Pia, having read this aren’t you glad you didn’t travel?ReplyCancel
January 14, 2015 - 2:50 pm
jamie@southmainmuse-It sounds like quite the adventure. When I was in college my parents let us take off on a cross country trip to California. I still can’t believe it because they were rather strict with the boundaries. Good lesson for us to let our children go a bit — they’ll end up with an adventure they will remember all their lives.ReplyCancel
January 14, 2015 - 9:14 pm -Jamie, yes, I had many such adventures and I’m still here. That being said I think I am way more cautious as a parent.ReplyCancel
January 14, 2015 - 6:16 pm
Stacie-What a long ride! I’ve never been on a bus that long. Glad you finally got there!ReplyCancel
January 14, 2015 - 9:15 pm -Stacie, the trip home was only slightly less crazy than the trip,there. But yes we both recovered and went on to do much more traveling, together and apart.ReplyCancel
January 14, 2015 - 9:04 pm
Cyn K-Ever since my best friend regaled me with the horrors of her cross-country trip via Greyhound, I’ve sworn that will ride the bus in this country.ReplyCancel
January 15, 2015 - 5:02 pm
Jacqueline Casey -Traveling a great learning experience, especially at that age.ReplyCancel
January 15, 2015 - 6:06 pm -Jacqueline, that is so true!ReplyCancel
January 15, 2015 - 6:46 pm
April-It never fails to amaze me how much technology has changed the way things work. From the bus scheduling to the calling collect.
I’ve done a duet-trip from Florida to Georgia. 24 hours, if I recall correctly. Just a fraction of the…discomfort you endured. But it built character, right? 😉ReplyCancel
January 16, 2015 - 8:17 am -April,
Yes, it’s almost hard to imagine a life before cell phones etc. Things have changed so much since 1975!ReplyCancel
January 15, 2015 - 7:52 pm
Natalie-You got a good story out of it. 🙂 I think the unexpected detours are what make life interesting.ReplyCancel
January 16, 2015 - 8:16 am -Natalie, so true! I have never regretted any traveling I’ve done, and always want to do more.ReplyCancel
August 3, 2017 - 5:00 am
The Last Time I Saw Richard | Better After 50-[…] a flurry of emails the chain growing daily. It included old friends, people I’d barely known and Richard who’d been one of my closest friends through high school, and long beyond. I hadn’t seen or […]ReplyCancel
Right from the start I will state I don’t like runny eggs. Runny eggs, however are taking over the world, so I think I may need to learn to like them. Half the food pictures I see when I scroll through Instagram are dishes of all manner topped with runny eggs, some poached, some fried, […]
Kelly-I don’t like runny eggs. They look great in pictures, but for me, that’s where it ends. I like super hard boiled…like, egg salad hard boiled. I’m okay with that too. 🙂 Happy Monday!ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 6:01 pm -Kelly, I am even particular about my egg salad- I grate rather than chop my eggs. I guess we all have out culinary quirks!ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 2:28 pm
Adrian Seltzer -The whites MUST be firm, but the warm yolk mixing with hollandise over a crab cake is pretty near heaven.ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 6:00 pm -Adrian, I’m afraid we don’t share the same idea of heaven!ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 3:17 pm
Sarah Honey -OMG. I can’t! They have to be well done or even passed well done! They will go right back to the kitchen.ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 5:59 pm -Sarah, after mt years running a diner, I found that people are more particular about how they like their eggs than any other food! We like what we like.ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 3:59 pm
Quirky Chrissy-I ADORE runny eggs. I have since I was a kid. The only way I’d eat scrambled eggs was if there were equal parts scrambled and cheese.
But…I speak from childhood food aversion experience when I say, give them a try again.
I wouldn’t eat ranch (anything with ranch on or in it) for about 20 years because of a bad food experience. Then one day I dipped wings in ranch and it was all over. I mean, I still don’t love ranch…but occasionally a good ranch is a nice change from blue cheese on the wings or from French onion dip with chips.ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 5:58 pm -Chrissy, just for you I will be brave and give them another try, one day soon… 🙂ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 4:37 pm
Suheiry Feliciano-This made me laugh. I think runny eggs are disgusting. I like hard-boiled eggs, but they have to be cooked just right. If you cook them too long, they get rubbery, and that grosses me out too.ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 5:58 pm -I’m so happy to see there are people who will also admit to this! Thanks Suheiry. Nothing is worse than that telltale green ring on a hard-boiled egg!ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 5:13 pm
Peggy Gilbey -I’m having a chuckle Nancy for I’ve just prepared and photographed a curried bauble and squeak topped with a poached egg for my cottage cooking club this morning! Enjoyed it too. I enjoy poached eggs, properly done, and, accompanied with foods as they make sense. No soft boiled for me. And as to the correct preparation of hard boiled eggs, turning off the burner as soon as boiling begins, no. Not rubbery hard boiled, but, fully cooked.ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 5:56 pm -Peggy, I am laughing too! I have eaten a poached egg to be polite, and I can cook them. I’m not sure if I’m more put off by the runny yolk, or the slimy white… And I’m with you on hard-boiled eggs, no green!!ReplyCancel
January 14, 2015 - 10:24 pm
Alisa-My love of eggs has changed over the years. Until my husband introduced me to sunny-side up eggs, I was grossed out by eggs that weren’t cooked until they were dry. Now I love sunny-side up eggs. The thing that has not changed is my dislike of hardboiled eggs. I will not eat them whole, in egg salad, or deviled.ReplyCancel
January 15, 2015 - 6:49 am -Alisa, people are pretty particular about eggs, that’s all I have to say. Any theories on my eggshell aversion?ReplyCancel
Despite my best efforts I have no recipe for you today. I had a great idea for a wonderful new soup, sure to impress and delight you, and despite my best efforts, it was a bit of a bust. I used to go to a restaurant in Rhinebeck, New York called La Parmigiana which is […] -Right??? I will never remember, I need to hunt that woman down!ReplyCancel
January 8, 2015 - 8:04 pm
Marci Schwartz Lutsky -I can totally relate Nancy. Some recipes just aren’t “blogworthy” enough but I get fixated on them. I know you can get this recipe right and I’ll be eagerly awaiting the post 🙂ReplyCancel
January 8, 2015 - 3:09 pm -Marci, I hope you’re right, I’ve tried numerous times, and even asked a good friend who is used to eat there too and we’re both stumped! When and if I get it I’ll send out the news!!ReplyCancel
There’s a fine line between being a bad-ass and an embarrassment, and I find myself falling on the wrong side of that line a little too often. My whole life I’ve been a bit of a know-it-all, and I don’t mean in a good way. Though it’s awful to embarrass yourself, embarrassing your child is […]
As an aside: Coming from a girl who was regularly embarrassed by her very outspoken and strong-willed mother, I also think that it’s important you show your daughter that it’s more than okay to do that – it’s the only way to do it. If something is wrong, there is a way to rectify it without making a huge scene, but you should never sit quietly and ignore it. She will take that and learn from it, so that she never sits quietly out of embarrassment.ReplyCancel
January 6, 2015 - 11:50 am -Thanks for that reminder Chrissy! I try to keep in mind that I am constantly teaching my daughter something (whether I mean to or not).ReplyCancel
January 6, 2015 - 1:25 pm
Life According to Steph -I remember getting embarrassed by everything as a kid! I think you were right to speak up, and you go for spotting the difference immediately.ReplyCancel
January 6, 2015 - 8:30 am -Steph, some of most embarrassing moments were in department store dressing rooms with my mom… but that’s another story. I’d say my daughter is way more tolerant of me than I was of my mom, and for that I am grateful!ReplyCancel
January 6, 2015 - 5:43 pm
Roshni-I think it’s awesome even though I empathize with your daughter about mom being a continuous potential embarrassment (as all we parents are!!)!ReplyCancel
January 7, 2015 - 7:32 am -Thanks Roshni. I try to minimize the embarrassment I cause my daughter, but the thing is that often what embarrasses her is totally not what I expected. I constantly tell her I am not a mind reader, though as she gets older I may regret that 🙂ReplyCancel
January 7, 2015 - 12:12 am
Lizzi Rogers -Kudos to you though. I think you’re badass 😀ReplyCancel
January 7, 2015 - 7:33 am -Hey Lizzi!! Thanks, I am shocked by the number of people telling me that, I may need to reconfigure my self-image!ReplyCancel
January 7, 2015 - 2:39 am
Carolann Iadarola -What a cute story! I remember when my kids would get embarrassed over stuff like that…matter of fact…they still do lolReplyCancel
January 7, 2015 - 7:35 am -Carolann, Thanks. Sometimes it’s difficult to hide my glee at embarrassing her, other times I totally get it, and try to behave. What she really hates is when I sing in public (like at a store where they’re playing great music).ReplyCancel
January 7, 2015 - 10:38 am
Prajakta-I love cheese and am more than happy to eat it daily. And honestly, your daughter was pretty awesome. Often I see kids behave very rudely, especially with their mothers to show their embarrassment.ReplyCancel
January 8, 2015 - 10:28 am
Liz-I remember distinct moments of being embarrassed by my father most often when I find myself doing the exact same thing, embarrassing my children in the exact same way. It was so uncomfortable as a kid and so delicious as an adult. 😉ReplyCancel
January 8, 2015 - 11:09 am -Liz, yes, it is a secret thrill most of the time!ReplyCancel
January 12, 2015 - 1:37 am
Suheiry Feliciano-Awww this is a great story. I remember being embarrassed about EVERYTHING when I was a kid, so I feel for your daughter. Still, you are totally a culinary badass, and I don’t think what you did was embarrassing. And good on her for caring about someone else getting the wrong cheese and also not catching an attitude with you.ReplyCancel
Now that January is here, almost everyone we know is starting their annual diet. I cannot even count the number of diets I’ve started, some a complete and total failure almost immediately, some more manageable. Even thin people seem to think, worry and even obsess about their weight. And so for many people new year= […]
Jill-Agree! Diets never work! Small incremental lifestyle changes are the key, as well as not beating yourself up if you ‘cheat’! There really should be no bad foods. Just things you eat more if and things you eat in moderation.ReplyCancel
January 5, 2015 - 10:34 am -Jill, so true! The stats on successful diets are bleak, and leave us feeling like failures… not good!ReplyCancel -Damn right Chrissy!ReplyCancel
January 5, 2015 - 8:49 pm
Tara Dunn McCollum -I love how you crossed off the word “diet”. It’s eating, it’s LIVING. You can’t diet forever, I mean you could but you’d be pretty miserable. We need to learn to make lifestyle changes and it doesn’t always mean we have to deny ourselves, we just need to be smarter. Great post!!ReplyCancel
January 6, 2015 - 8:28 am -Tara, thanks I couldn’t agree with you more!ReplyCancel
January 8, 2015 - 1:53 pm
Jo-Lynne Shane -I so agree. I try never to use the word diet. I do try to eat as much real food as possible. And getting off soda is the best thing I ever did for my health!ReplyCancel
January 8, 2015 - 11:09 am -Jo-Lynne, I have been on more diets than I can count, and yet I am still overweight… Diets (for most people) just don’t work. I wish they did.ReplyCancel
Elizabeth Bien - Sweet story…thanks for sharing it.
Pia Savage - Wow. I can’t imagine riding a bus to Mexico from NY! I actually remember that sell as I had just finished college and had to work! Was so envious of people who could go places! - Pia, having read this aren’t you glad you didn’t travel?
jamie@southmainmuse - It sounds like quite the adventure. When I was in college my parents let us take off on a cross country trip to California. I still can’t believe it because they were rather strict with the boundaries. Good lesson for us to let our children go a bit — they’ll end up with an adventure they will remember all their lives. - Jamie, yes, I had many such adventures and I’m still here. That being said I think I am way more cautious as a parent.
Stacie - What a long ride! I’ve never been on a bus that long. Glad you finally got there! - Stacie, the trip home was only slightly less crazy than the trip,there. But yes we both recovered and went on to do much more traveling, together and apart.
Cyn K - Ever since my best friend regaled me with the horrors of her cross-country trip via Greyhound, I’ve sworn that will ride the bus in this country.
Jacqueline Casey - Traveling a great learning experience, especially at that age. - Jacqueline, that is so true!
April - It never fails to amaze me how much technology has changed the way things work. From the bus scheduling to the calling collect.
I’ve done a duet-trip from Florida to Georgia. 24 hours, if I recall correctly. Just a fraction of the…discomfort you endured. But it built character, right? 😉 - April,
Yes, it’s almost hard to imagine a life before cell phones etc. Things have changed so much since 1975!
Natalie - You got a good story out of it. 🙂 I think the unexpected detours are what make life interesting. - Natalie, so true! I have never regretted any traveling I’ve done, and always want to do more.
The Last Time I Saw Richard | Better After 50 - […] a flurry of emails the chain growing daily. It included old friends, people I’d barely known and Richard who’d been one of my closest friends through high school, and long beyond. I hadn’t seen or […]