When I was very young; young enough to watch Captain Kangaroo, I loved when the Captain would read books aloud, and Stone Soup was one of my favorites. There are numerous versions of the story. The one I recall from my childhood featured three soldiers, cold and hungry and coming to a small town with […]
Rhonda - Minestrone is always my stone soup 🙂 I never had lentils growing up, and the few times I had them as an adult I hated them – they were always under cooked. I have successfully made a pretty basic lentil soup a couple times, and with the lentils fully cooked, I love it! Actually, the whole family loves it! I’ve never put sausage in it though.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Hmm, and I am still working on a good minestrone! The pasta always gets too mushy.
Hoda Khalil - It looks great for a cold winter night, keep the soup recipes coming Nancy, thank you
Alison Flanagan Reinhart - Mmmm! I love soup and lentil soup is one of my favorites! I love how easily soup recipes can be switched up and changed according to what’s leftover in the fridge or on hand in the pantry! Can’t wait to try your recipe!
Erin - I never knew that about red lentils! Great post!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Me either! Thanks