Nancy Lowell has spent a lifetime loving, eating, cooking, learning and reading about food. She has owned a small restaurant in Delaware County, New York, a catering business in New York City, worked for fifteen years for Whole Foods Market, and served Breakfast at Tiffany’s during her time working in corporate dining.
Who doesn’t wish they had more time to read? At this moment I have that sort of time, and I have been frittering it away, but that is over. Instead of beating myself up for my lack of energy and not getting more done, I am going to take time to read. I have stacks […]
Thanksgiving is undoubtedly a pie holiday, and though many people fear them, there’s a reason for the expression easy as pie. Pie is an easy thing to make, and even better, a hard thing to mess up. A lot of people think they can’t make crust, or don’t have time, but before you reach for […] -Stacie, I swear i’s easy, don’t be scared!ReplyCancel
November 7, 2015 - 6:45 pm
Pie Crust That’s “Easy As Pie” | Better After 50-[…] we say read on…This my very well be the year that you finally tackle pie crust, and with Chef’s Last Diet’s Chef Nancy Lowell’s assiduous tips, you’ll wonder why it took you so long […]ReplyCancel
August 8, 2016 - 6:09 am
Culinary Matchmaker » Chefs Last Diet-[…] are stews, stir fries and PIE! And nothing screams summer louder than pie. Sure I love a good pecan or apple pie, but summer’s bounty is meant for pie. This summer I’ve been enjoying the […]ReplyCancel
I used to be the sort of person who would ask about you and want to hear the answer, but lately, my life seems to be one long conversation about me. How are you, ask people I haven’t spoken to in months. My good friends and family start conversations in concerned tones of How are you doing? And so each […]
Stacie-You just do you and if you ever want to chat about healh related scares, I am only an email or FB message away. I hear you. I have been there. Even in the little things. I am also a side-sleeper and I am not sure I slept at all when I was forced on my back after surgery. <3 <3 <3ReplyCancel
Janelle-It’s hard… psychologically you feel like you should feel better by now, but the body says “nope.” My husband hurt his back a few years ago and is still recovering. It’s good you have people continuing to ask about you, it’s better than them getting annoyed with how long recovery takes! Hang in there!!!ReplyCancel
November 6, 2015 - 8:57 am -Janelle,
It’s not linear… title of an upcoming post 🙂ReplyCancel
November 5, 2015 - 6:25 am
Meg Galipault -What Stacie said. I think we underestimate how friends really *do* want to know how we’re doing in times of difficulty. Keep talking. It’s healthy, especially if you’re paying attention. It’s time for your recovery. Once you’re feeling better, you’ll give time to others’ recoveries. It all balances in the end. Hugs to you.ReplyCancel
November 5, 2015 - 10:11 am
Beeray-If you feel like talking, just keep talking. If you feel like crying, just cry.
When you feel like you are ready, you would snap out of it and all this will be your past.ReplyCancel
November 6, 2015 - 8:56 am -Looking forward to that!ReplyCancel
November 6, 2015 - 1:12 am
Michelle Feyerabend Longo -I’m glad people are asking how you are. I think you will learn to navigate that question in a way that’s more comfortable for you and you’ll probably have more of those days where you end up sharing more than you meant to just because someone asked at the moment you needed to say it. Take care of yourself and I hope you get to feeling like your old self again soon.ReplyCancel
February 14, 2017 - 8:17 am
Call Me Humpty Dumpty, Maybe » Chefs Last Diet-[…] Each time I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror that’s who I see. Almost one year ago I had abdominal surgery from which I have recovered well, save for the two hernias that now protrude from my belly. I […]ReplyCancel
March 29, 2017 - 7:33 am
Birthday Present; My 59th Birthday » Chefs Last Diet-[…] in her thirties, my father didn’t make it to 70. That said I am pretty hale. Except for a scary blip in 2015 my health has been unremarkable, but who knows, there could be a bus somewhere with my name […]ReplyCancel
We seldom get trick-or-treaters at my house, but at the last minute my daughter convinced me we needed to get Halloween candy just in case. “We’ll eat whatever’s left” she assured me. Yes, that was exactly what I was afraid of. If I’m going to eat candy I’d rather eat good candy, not the crap […] -Too late, I donated it to the ladies working my polling place today 🙂ReplyCancel
November 3, 2015 - 10:08 pm
Janelle-Leftover Halloween candy is what we call a “nonproblem,” haha. My husband made me buy him some the day after Halloween since we didn’t get any for trick-or-treaters!ReplyCancel
November 4, 2015 - 12:28 am
Stacie Dalrymple -I have lived in houses that got a TON of kids and others that got none. I’m happier when the kids come!ReplyCancel
November 28, 2015 - 8:17 am -Me too, but I prefer the littles not the teens.ReplyCancel
November 4, 2015 - 2:47 am
Ellen Mayborn Behm -We don’t have any kids come by either. I’m not as discriminating as you and bought a bag of fun size butterfingers. I’m not proud to say they were gone the day after Halloween.ReplyCancel
November 2nd is apparently Deviled Egg Day, and though that’s mighty exciting, and I like deviled eggs as much as anyone, I don’t know that I’d give them a whole day. When my daughter was in pre-school (and there were more pot-lucks than anyone should have to endure) I was the deviled egg mom. I […]
Paul D. Brads - I will never get through all the books I have stacked UP!! - Nor will I, and I am OK with the fact that the stack grows. That doesn’t even account for all the library books.
Leslie Hunley Sholly - I have an entire table that is nothing but stacks. We are kindred spirits. - Leslie, I think readers are.