Last week I mentioned the rotisserie chicken throwdown that didn’t happen. Good news; in a rescheduled event the chicken fight took place, and the results were not quite what I expected. Initially my intent was to do a blind taste test, but that didn’t happen. Nonetheless, we forged ahead and did our best to do […]
Farin Vazquez - Haha I’m sure my father in law would love to hold a rotisserie chicken throwdown… the whole family are chicken connoisseurs really.
nrlowell@comcast.net - Farin, It sure was fun! I still prefer my own roasted chicken.
Sarah Honey - I love that you did a Rotisserie Chicken Throwdown! Great info!
nrlowell@comcast.net - Sarah, I’ve been thinking about doing it for a while, it was a fun experiment.
Laura - Love your analysis. I’ve often wondered about the slimy, non-poultry flavor of Costco’s birds.
Peggy Gilbey McMackin - Interesting experiment Nancy. Well said.
Barbara Hoyer - This was so helpful! I’ve read about using rotisserie chicken made at the grocery store as an easy way to get a meal on the table, but I haven’t tried it yet myself.
Reesa Lewandowski - We love buying rotisserie chickens!
Cathy Goodwin - Ha … at Headhouse Market you pay $12 for a whole small raw chicken that tastes like nothing else! Also RIneer Farms in RIttenhouse Market has amazing chickens … I don’t think they’re up to $8.99/lb. though. $4.49/lb. for wings adds up!
You should compare WF with DiBruno’s. DiBruno’s can be dry but is usually good.
Kelly Anderson Moran - Rotisserie Chickens are my favorite shortcut to a great meal!
Happy Birthday Julia » Chefs Last Diet - […] fish rather than fish sticks. That battle continues as we decide if we want to buy a store made rotisserie chicken, or roast our own. You can thank Julia Child every time you eat a croissant, a quiche or […]